This is the greatest survey on earth

May 22, 2006 22:00

-Name:Gary Wilpizeski, you can call me garrison.
-Location:Downingtown, PA
-Date and Time:May 22, 9:30PM
-Birthday:March 31, 1986
-Which would make you:20 and some days
-Favorite Color:cerulean
-Car You Drive:1997 Hyundai Accent
-Car You Wish You Had:2006 Lotus Elise
-School:Cabrini College, Junior(!)
-Job:Cabrini College ITR Dept, Assoc. Webmaster
-Computer you're on: Compaq Presario V2000 Notebook
-OS:Windows XP :-(
-IM?:AIM, fiction0we0live
-Background:One i made, ask me and i'll make you one.

-Web Page?: My Portfolio, My Myspace.
-Where are you now?:My room, my desk.

-Music Player:iTunes, iPod
-What are you listening to now?: At the Drive in - This Night has Opened my Eyes
-Download/Radio/Streaming?:Since i discovered Pandora(Seriously check this out) and the Music Genome Project, Definitly Streaming. You can't beat a custom CD-Quality Streaming audio that's personally matched to your tastes.
-Last 5 Songs you played: Thanks
-Bear vs Shark - Second
-Alexisonfire - Get Fighted
-Philip Glass - Heroes (Aphex Twin Remix)
-Zolof The Rock & Roll Destroyer - Moment
-The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots Pt.1

-Top 5 Favorite Bands: (in no particular order, except the first one)
-Nightmare of You
-The Blood Brothers
-The Mars Volta
-Rage Against the Machine

-Top 5 Favorite Albums:
-Radiohead - The Bends (the pinnacle of a transfer from post-grunge into ultra-modern progressive)
-fordirelifesake - Dance.Pretend.Forget.Defend (Searing metal guitars mixed with math-rock style songwriting and power melodies all in one, oh and a blatant disreguard for punctuation and a spacebar)
-Death Cab For Cutie - Transatlanticism (outstandingly well written and produced, this album is very well put together and portrays exactly the sound that Deathcab was meant to play)
-The Mars Volta - Frances the Mute (by far one of the best albums i've ever heard, every part of this album fits together in that abstract way that you'd come to expect from members of At the Drive In, an outstanding piece of music)
-The Pixies - Surfer Rosa (Classic pixies, classic late 80's style, throwing in anything from punk to some songs that could pass for alt rock, this is probably the pixies best and a cd i could listen to any time)

-First 5 Songs of your ultimate playlist:
-Radiohead - My Iron Lung
-Bear vs Shark - The Great Dinosaurs with Fifties Section
-Mute Math - Reset (Live, The Knitting Factory 10-5-2005)
-Nada Surf - Where is my Mind (Pixies Cover)
-The Postal Service - Natural Anthem

-Favorite books:Right now, The Pocket DJ by Sarah Lewitinn
-Magazine(s) you subscribe to:Wired, National Geographic
-Last Book you read:SQL for dummies
-Book/Magazine you plan to read soon: dunno... probably my new National Geographic i just got
-Last movie watched: DaVinci Code, it was really good
-Favorite place to watch a movie:My Home theater in the basement :-D
-Top 5 favorite movies: In No Particular Order
-Shawshank Redemption
-Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
-Kill Vill V1
-Pulp Fiction
-The Davinci Code (it was that good)

-Hobbies?:Running, Photography, Random acts of art
-Play any instruments?:Guitar, Mandolin
-Work Out?:When i can...
-What you do when you're bored:See above 3 questions
-What do you enjoy most in life: Art, Music, Girlfriend
-Say something random: My Back Itches
-Date and Time:May 22, 10:00PM

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