Two firsts

Aug 19, 2009 01:42

I've had two fandom-related firsts over the past two-four days.

I made my first icon intended for a icontest, and although it didn't quite work out well in the end (my ScrapBook gallery settings weren't adjusted properly, silly me), I learned (and re-learned) a lot about how to work with images in the GIMP - it had been a while since I worked with it. This experience really showed me how difficult making icons can be, and thus why people are understandably annoyed if someone does not give an icon its due credit or claims it as their own when they didn't make it (beyond the intellectual property theft thing, of course). I really need to make some more icons before university classes start again.

I also just made my first post to scans_daily! That's quite a lot of work too, actually, and most of it comes from the resizing of the scans and the constant need to type the image source code. The commentary came easily, partly because I've been around s_d for around eight months now (so it was a sort of anniversary posting as well as being relevant to Positive Comics Week :D) and so (I like to think) I have a grasp of how things are done there and what the general tone of the place is. It's great!

The scans were from Batman: Gotham Adventures #22, "Actions!". It's a sweet story; I really liked it when I first read it (it was a recent purchase) and it was the first thing I thought of when I saw Positive Comics Week announced.

I need a squee! icon.

batfamily (all versions) and villains, s_d, comics: general

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