Title: Untitled
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Elena (OC), Mr Orestes (OC)
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/Animal Birth
Word Count: 1,035
Author's Note: Written for the Care of Magical Creatures summer class at the MNFF forums, on the subject of Three-Headed Dogs.
Elena hurried across the yard, trying to be as quick as possible without spilling any precious drops from the bowl she was carrying. Her shadow was a small circle beneath her, and the earth burned her bare feet. It was with relief she reached the little shed, and after glancing around to make sure her aunt was not watching, she slipped inside. It was only a little less hot in here, and Elena was met by the sound and sight of a hyperventilating dog. Minding not to splash it everywhere, she put the water in between the dog’s front legs. Had it been winter and cool, the dog would probably have refused the drink at this point, but now she drained the bowl at once.
Elena carefully pushed the old straw aside while her four-legged friend was enjoying the water. Two puppies were curled up next to her, already dry from birthing fluids in the heat.
“Saba,” she whispered and shook her head, “why must you always go and get with puppies? You know that aunt will want to drown them as soon as she finds out.”
The dog gave her a weak glance, and grunted as another contraction rippled through her. Elena was worried, but tried to be calm for the animal. She had helped Saba whelp six times before, and the dog had never had such trouble producing a pup. It had been four hours since the last one, and although she had never as much as touched a book on the subject, Elena knew it was not normal. By the feel of Saba’s tummy, there was more than one puppy left, and she was sure that if they did not get out soon, they would die.
Not that it makes much of a difference to them, she thought with an angry grimace. Die in there, close to their ma, or being drowned in the muddy ditch by aunt Rizpah, only having had a glimpse of the life they could have had.
No, what she was really worried about was Saba, the dog with the brown nose and velvet-soft look in her eyes. Saba, the only creature who cared if she lived or died, the only one who had ever treated her with love and trust. She could not lose her.
But Elena suddenly brightened as a new contraction managed to lift the bushy tail. It was a good sign, and before long she spotted something black and bubble-like protruding from underneath the tail. With some words of encouragement, Saba managed to push it out, and Elena hurried to assist her. She knew it was crucial to rip the little bag the pup had lived in for the past nine weeks, if not it would not be able to breathe. It was an easy task, and soon the dusty hay was wet by more fluids.
Elena stared at the creature in her hands. Normally, she would have poked her index finger into the puppy’s mouth to clear it from slime and make sure it was breathing all right. Now, however, she found herself staring not at one head, but at three. Stunned, and wondering if the heat had somehow damaged her brain, she did not do anything but stare until Saba made a low, pleading noise. Shaking her head, Elena quickly cleared the air ways of all three little heads before putting the abnormal creature next to its mother. Saba did not seem at all bothered, but expertly cut the umbilical cord with her teeth and proceeded to licking the strange animal dry. She seemed at ease now, and there was no sign of any further contractions. Still speechless, Elena got to her feet and backed away from the scene. There was only one person she would be able to mention this to.
“And you are definitely sure there are three heads?”
“Sure as can be, Mr Orestes,” Elena assured the man walking next to her.
He was the old shepherd of the village, and she had always liked him. He was kind to animals and children, and somehow he always seemed to be at the right place at the right time. She had feared that her aunt would spot them walking through the gate, but all was still over at the house. Carefully, she opened the door to the shed. Saba met them inside, wagging her tail and pushing past them to get out and do her business.
Orestes, surprisingly agile for such an old and greyed man, kneeled in the hay and picked up the three-headed puppy, gentle as if it were a human baby. He examined it carefully, and Elena could not hold back the question:
“Is it… is it a mutated dog, Mr Orestes?”
“Mutated?” he replied, looking at her with his bushy eyebrows arched. “Oh no. This is a powerful magical creature, brought to life by the recessive gene which both his parents must be carrying. This gene is rare these days, and the chance of two dogs carrying it to meet, mate and both pass it on, is almost non-existent.”
Among all his words, Elena could only focus on one. “Magical?”
“That is right. And I’m afraid no one but a wizard or witch may control our little friend here.”
“A wizard or a witch?!” she gasped.
Orestes chuckled. “Yes, little one. I’m sorry. I’ve grown so old that I keep forgetting I’m supposed to keep such things secret. But I think I can trust you not to pass it on?”
“Oh… of course,” Elena promised at once. “But… but what about the puppy?”
“I think it’s best for everyone if I take him with me at once. Saba will not miss him with the other two here, and I assure you that I will take good care of him.” Orestes stood up and carefully hid the new-born dog within the folds of his cloak.
“So you’re a wizard?”
“Of course I am. But now I must hurry before your aunt passes by her window again. Take care, little Elena.”
Saba returned as the old man departed, and the dog and the girl watched together as the man with the strange puppy disappeared behind the yellow hedge.