Title: Muggles are Weird
Pairing: Draco/Hermione, but really, what I have in mind is friends, not anything else.
Summery: Hermione explains a movie to Draco.
Warnings: None
Rating: G- fun fluffy goodness
Words: 476
Bonus points for naming the movie!
“Muggles are weird.”
"That comment doesn’t surprise me.”
“I don’t get it. Why don’t they just give him the blasted riffle thingy?”
“Because it’s dangerous. And it’s called a rifle.”
“So if it’s dangerous, why’d they make a moo-vee about it?”
“Because it’s entertaining. And it’s movie.”
There was silence for several minutes as the movie played, and the pair on the sofa munched on some popcorn.
“Muggles are weird.”
“Yes, you’ve mentioned that tonight. Twice, actually.”
“Why in the world would someone want a leg that light’s up?”
“Because some guys think it’s sexy.”
"But it’s not. It’s not real. I can see if it were a real leg, maybe.”
"That would be gross, not sexy.”
“You obviously don’t understand art.”
A soft snort and a roll of the eyes was the only response before the pair quieted down to watch the movie again.
“Why are they staring at that wooden box?”
"It’s a radio. It plays songs and back then they played shows on it, too.”
"Like a movie?”
“No, you can’t see it, you can only hear it.”
“Oh. Muggles are weird.”
Silence once again prevailed as the movie was watched, with only the occasional shuffle of popcorn in the bowl, and the sound of it being eaten.
“So is this kid nuts, or something?”
”No, he’s not. Just be quiet and watch the movie.”
“Geesh, I was just asking, no need to get your knickers in an uproar.”
She tactfully chose to ignore the comment as she focused on the movie. This silence actually lasted much longer than the rest.
“What’s the deal with the soap?”
”He’s being punished.”
“Oh. How is that a punishment?”
“The parents use it to ‘clean out’ the kid’s mouth.”
“Muggles are-“
”-weird, yes, I know. You’ve mentioned that.”
Once more, silence stretched between the pair on the sofa.
“Why is it that muggles always make the witches green with warts?”
“I don’t know. Watch the movie.”
”What in the bloody hell is his mother wearing?”
”It’s a costume. Just. Watch. The. Movie.”
He could hear the frustration edging in her voice, and grinned.
“What’s he saying?”
”You can’t understand it. They do it that way to make it look like he’s cursing.”
”Like a hex?”
”For the love of… no, not a hex. He’s a muggle! He’s cussing, swearing, cursing, saying bad words. Now would you please just watch the stinking movie!”
“All you had to do is ask me to be quiet, you know.”
She held a pillow to her face and screamed into it before attempting to continue watching the movie. The silence that followed lasted for almost the rest of the movie.
”I don’t get it. He wanted it. They said no. So why did he get it anyway?”
“Because it’s Christmas, and it made him happy.”
”What, Malfoy?”
”Muggles are weird.”