Notes on Archiving

Mar 14, 2012 14:20

Important! Please read...

Sans Paper, and Birds of Prey eBooks are NOT "by submission" archives, which means, authors generally do not send me their stories for archiving, unless I request for the files.

As I was re-organising the site, and preparing files for the new section, I realised that I have yet to post some sort of guidelines or at least some information on the ebook archives, submission guidelines etc. and especially with the recent shenanigans of some new archives hosting stories without authors' permission and whatever else they did to annoy authors and archivists along the way, this needs to be done NOW.

•  Stories are archived with permission from the authors.
Requests for archiving are sent via PM or e-mails, and NO REPLY means no archiving.

Edit: EVERY author listed at SansPaper or Birds of Prey ebooks was asked and permission granted by them to archive BEFORE the files were uploaded.

I also do not entertain IM/e-mail requests, not from the authors, to make ebooks and distributetransmit them on the sly! sent via PM, e-mails, etc

•  No warning for femslash
Readers, not your cup of tea? Move along!


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