Drabble: Trio Gen

Mar 09, 2011 15:56

Title: Facing the Future Together
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 450
Author's Note: Written for Challenge 4, Round 2 of genhp_ldws. I was voted out on this one, but love it anyway. ;)

From Dumbledore's office, Hermione, Harry, and I went to Gryffindor Tower. Since The Fat Lady was missing, I opened the portrait, gesturing for them to go first. My stomach grumbled loudly. "Merlin! I'm starving!"

Harry called, "Kreacher!" Kreacher appeared immediately with trays of food.

"Brilliant! Thanks Kreacher!" I patted Kreacher's head, flopped onto the sofa and began gnawing on a chicken leg. Hermione joined me after thanking Kreacher, too. So did Harry, once Kreacher let him go.

We couldn't talk about Fred -nothing would fix that, but hunger could be fixed, so we ate. And talked about the food. Harry went to bed, but Hermione stayed with me.

When I was finally full, I sighed and leaned back on the couch, putting my arm around Hermione and pulling her close.

After a bit, Hermione moved to get up. "We should get some sleep."

"Please stay with me," I whispered. "Forever?"


"Good morning, Hermione!" Mrs. Weasley hugged me when I entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, Mrs.-Molly."

"How did you sleep?"

I was certain Molly knew I spent every night with Ron. "Well, thank you."

Molly nodded, hugging me again, more tightly this time. I hugged her back.

"Good. We'll need our rest for today."

After breakfast, all of us donned dress robes and walked to the cemetery for Fred's funeral. The Weasley family filled the front row. I held Ron's hand tightly, drawing strength from his warmth. I took Harry's hand, also. I glanced over, and Harry was holding Ginny's hand, too. Finally. As I looked down the row, all of the Weasleys (Molly and Arthur made it clear "Weasleys" includes Harry and me) were holding hands with those on either side of them. The pain of losing loved ones would never heal, but we would face the future together.


Ginny and I raced out the door yelling, "They're home!"

I hugged Hermione while Ron swung Ginny around.

"A month is a long time!" I shouted, hugging Ron.

"How are your parents?" Ginny asked.

"Not pleased, but they forgave me. They're staying in Australia until they decide what to do. How is everyone here?"

"George hasn't smiled, but Ginny has a plan."

After a boisterous welcome home dinner, Ginny asked, "Who wants licorice?"

Everyone, except George, accepted enthusiastically. "Licorice was Fred's favorite, but I hate it."

"Suit yourself." We all stuffed the licorice into our mouths-I couldn't stop smiling-and nine overgrown lizards were sitting at the table with George.

George's mouth dropped. "How-? When-?"

When we became ourselves, I said, "We wanted you to laugh again. It was Ginny's idea. Mum brewed the potion. Percy helped with the spells."

George laughed. "Lizard Licorice! You're all hired!"

*mollywheezy, harry/ginny, 2011, ron/hermione, drabble, ginny, molly/arthur, george weasley, harry

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