Title: Puke Anniversary
Words: 790
Rating: PG-13
Characters/pairings: It's a surprise . . . ;)
Author's Note: Written for the May Challenge at
hpgw_drabbles and as a companion piece to my drabble
Code Puce, but you do not have to read that one to understand this one. ;)
Harry usually loved being an Auror . . . except on days like today. Code Puce? It might as well be Code Puke, since that's what he felt like doing. He hated to admit it, but he should have read the procedural manual like Hermione recommended.
When he returned to the Auror office, and was filing the paperwork, Harry realized a horrible truth: He couldn't go to The Burrow again. They'd been planning for months for all Weasleys and adopted Weasleys to gather for the anniversary of Fred's death and attend the dedication service for the Heroes of Hogwarts Memorial. Charlie was coming in from Romania. Hogwarts was out for the event, so he'd get to see Hermione, and Ginny, but now he couldn't go to The Burrow.
Harry planned to hide in his office for the rest of the afternoon . . . and the rest of the weekend if he had to. After a few hours of finishing paper work and reading, Harry's door burst open. (Aurors' office doors do not have locks, and according to the Procedural Manual, locking charms are strictly prohibited.)
Harry looked up from his work. "Ginny!" Harry grinned at his fiancée and stood.
Ginny grinned back, "Mum sent me here as soon as I got home. She has some barmy idea you won't want to be at The Burrow with everyone else this weekend."
"I can't."
"What?" Ginny put her hands on her hips, and glared at Harry.
Harry disliked having Ginny's fury aimed at him, but he understood now why Ron was always riling Hermione. If Ron saw Hermione the way Harry was now seeing Ginny, it made sense.
Harry shrugged. All he could think was how sexy Ginny looked, but since he still possessed one functioning brain cell, he didn't say that.
Ginny moved closer to Harry, her eyes full of fire. She poked him in the chest-hard. Harry was so surprised he fell back into his chair. "Answer me, Harry James Potter!"
"Er . . ." Harry managed, his voice cracking as if he were fourteen.
Ginny sighed. "I was looking forward to spending time with you, but if you won't tell me what's wrong, and if Mum's right that you aren't coming over, then you aren't going to get to spend time with me." Ginny walked out of Harry's office.
"Ginny! Wait!" Harry scrambled out of his chair, but before he could catch Ginny, she was surrounded by blue light and whisked away.
Harry screamed into the corridor outside his office, "How the hell did you get a bloody Portkey!" He slammed his office door, making the walls rattle.
Harry slumped miserably at his desk, not even pretending to work. He would probably be fired for cursing in the corridor, anyway.
About an hour later, Harry's door opened again, and Arthur Weasley entered quietly, closing the door behind him.
"Mr Weasl-Er . . . Harry trailed off, and, not quite able to look at Arthur, stared at his desk.
"I apologize for bursting into your office, Harry, but I didn't think you'd answer if I knocked." Arthur cleared his throat. "I also apologize for earlier. Molly and I got, ah, a bit carried away."
Harry didn't say anything. He could feel his face getting hot and began to fidget.
"Son, the secret to a happy marriage is to put your wife first. Go tell Ginny everything."
"But . . ." Harry couldn't continue.
"She's angry because she knows you're hiding something but doesn't understand what or why. Tell her. Good luck, Harry. I'll see you later at The Burrow."
Harry found Ginny in her favorite tree in the orchard behind The Burrow.
"Hi, Ginny."
There was no answer.
"May I climb up?"
Harry sighed, leaned against the tree trunk, and told her the whole embarrassing story.
There was a long silence when he finished until Ginny climbed down from the tree on the side away from Harry. He started when her arms slipped around his waist and she nuzzled into his chest, laughing. "Oh Harry, everyone's walked in on Mum and Dad shagging."
"Wha-what?!" Harry spluttered.
Ginny giggled. "They have seven children in a very small house. It happens."
"I'm not a child, and they were in the lift! I had to give them an official Code Puce warning!"
Ginny laughed so hard tears streamed from her eyes.
"It's not funny! How can you laugh?"
"I can laugh because Fred would think it's hilarious. I bet he's laughing his arse off in Heaven right now."
Harry conceded, "Fred would think this is funny. So would George, but you aren't allowed to tell him!"
"I won't tell anyone. Join me in my tree and I'll greet you properly before we go back to the house."
Harry gladly climbed up after her.