One-Shot: Gen (Next Gen Weasley Cousins)

Dec 16, 2012 17:37

Title: Cousinly Advice
Author: mollywheezy
Characters: Primarily Rose and Molly II with Dominique, Lucy, Lily Luna, Roxie and references to others
Prompt number: 92-Though they're separated by years, houses, and personalities, they find a way to be there for each other through all of the struggles and the heartbreaks.
Word Count: ~5500
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: non-explicit references to sexual situations, some language
Summary: Alone in the hospital wing and bored out of her mind, Rose writes letters to her cousins for entertainment and comfort.
Disclaimer: JKR owns the HP Universe. Thanks for letting me borrow the characters for awhile!
Author’s Notes: Thank you to my awesome beta, rumpelsnorcack for her support and encouragement! She is the reason the "canon in my head" is making it onto paper. This was written for interhouse_fest 2012.

20 November 2022

Dear Molly,

I really messed up this time. I'm in the hospital wing, am not allowed visitors, and have detention every day for the rest of term. Plus, I'm grounded for all of Christmas hols, so I won't be going to any of my friends' parties this year. As angry as mum is, I'll be lucky to be allowed out of the house. I hope she won't make me miss Lucy's wedding or Victoire's baby shower . . .

I'm SO stupid! Avery asked me to come to his dorm so I snuck out and flew to Ravenclaw Tower and through his open window. I thought if my feet didn't touch the floor, no alarms would go off, and I was right. At least I was right about something. I thought Avery just wanted somewhere comfortable to snog and cuddle-he wanted to shag. I'm only 15. When I said no, he ditched me.

I managed not to cry in front of him, but I was crying as I flew back to my room, and I forgot to check The Map and as I entered the tunnel, I collided with an owl, and fell off my broom, and knocked myself unconscious. I have a concussion, and several broken bones, and was bleeding. Al found me the next morning, and had to get Professor Slughorn's help to get me out. And not only that, my bra was unclasped and my jeans were undone! I know Avery undid my bra, but I have no idea what happened to my jeans. And now Mum, Dad, Al, Professor Slughorn, Uncle Neville . . . everybody knows about it! I wish I had died from my injuries.

Well, not really. I didn't mean that. But I'm definitely going to have an extremely miserable couple of months.

I remember back in my first year when you were in seventh, you comforted me when I was crying about getting my first detention, and you said that you had spent all of your fourth year in detention, but you didn't tell me why. I'm guessing it was something a first-year didn't need to know? Would you mind telling me now? It would be helpful to know if I am not entirely alone in my stupidity.



20 November 2022

Dear Dominique,

I know you are working really hard planning the baby shower for Victoire and that it's important to you to know who will be there, so I wanted to give you a heads up that I am grounded for all of Christmas hols, so I don't know if Mum is going to let me come. I'm not allowed to go to any of my friends' parties that I usually attend, but Mum and Dad didn't mention family events. I'm hoping that means I can still go, but thought you would want advance notice just in case. I found something really cute for the baby on the last Hogsmeade weekend, so if I can't come, I will at least owl the gift. I'll give you a hint: as the only Weasley Ravenclaw, I think Victoire will really like it.


21 November 2022

Rosie! What on earth did you do this time? Or do I even want to know? Never mind. You CANNOT miss Victoire's shower! I have PLANS. It is very important for every woman in the family to be in attendance. Plus, you'd never hear the end of it from Victoire if you missed her "surprise" shower. Yes, my beloved, all-knowing sister found out. In case that sounds snarky, you know I really do love her, right? I just wish it was possible to plan something she didn't manage to find out about. I swear she should have gone to work for the Aurors . . .

Anyway, I'll talk to Mum . . . Even better, I'll talk to Aunt Ginny and get her to talk to Aunt Hermione. Even if I have to get Dad and Grandma and everyone in our family to gang up on Aunt Hermione, you aren't missing the baby shower for the first Weasley of the next generation! Well, Lupin, actually, but you know what I mean.



21 November 2022

Rosie! What happened?! When I asked Al where you were he said you were in the hospital wing, but he wouldn't tell me anything except that you weren't allowed to have visitors! Nobody ever tells me anything! Hugo didn't even know about it! How can you not tell your own brother what's going on?! And what could you have done that's bad enough not to get visitors in the hospital wing?! Or are you dying?! I really hope you aren't dying, Rosie! You still haven't taught me that pedicure charm you're so good at. I need to practice all winter so I'll be ready for next summer.

Lots of Love,

Lily Luna

21 November 2022

Dear Lily,

I'm not dying. I'm also not going to tell you what happened. At least not now. If you promise not to badger me about it, I'll probably tell you someday . . . I'll teach you the pedicure charm when we're on the way home for the Christmas hols on the Hogwarts Express.



22 November 2022

Oh Rosie! I'm so glad you're OK! Sorry you've had to wait for this letter, but it took me longer than I expected to write. It is a very long story . . .

But before we get to my story, you collided with an owl in a tunnel and fell off your broom? What owl? What tunnel? Where at Hogwarts are there owls in tunnels and how in Merlin's name did you fly from Slytherin to Ravenclaw? You may answer me at your leisure.

On to more important matters. You are NOT alone in your stupidity!! I was there, too. So here's the story. When I was in fourth year, I was dating a seventh year. We actually met playing against each other in Quidditch. Dad wasn't particularly happy about my dating someone so much older, but Mum's first boyfriend was older than her, too, (as is Dad) and she convinced Dad that girls are much more mature at earlier ages than are boys. He still worried; you know Dad.

Being older and a Prefect, The Tosser, as my family now refers to my first boyfriend, was allowed out later than I was. I received detentions for being out after curfew. This became a very frequent occurrence. And since it was usually Uncle Neville who caught me, I got mad at him and quit going for tea with him on Fridays as Lucy and I had done ever since we started at Hogwarts. Uncle Neville invites all of the Gryffindors for tea, even though it was usually just Lucy and me, maybe occasionally Roxie, who'd go. You probably know this, but after three times of getting caught in the same offense, the penalties increase rather drastically. I continued being caught out after curfew so often my curfew was moved back so I had to be escorted back to the Common Room by "Professor Longbottom" (I refused to call him "Uncle Neville" anymore, even in private). Although, he did let me continue attending Quidditch practice. I think he'd gotten used to having the Quidditch Cup in his office. Well, since evenings were now out of the question for snogging times, I would meet The Tosser before classes in the morning or during lunch, but I had fewer free periods so would end up being late to class or even skiving off, which earned more detentions.

It got to where I had so many detentions, there were not enough hours in the day or days in the term to serve them, and Mum and Dad were called to school for a meeting with Professor Longbottom and Headmistress McGonagall. The four of them decided I would return early from the Christmas holidays to finish serving the previous term's detentions. If I received any more detentions, I would be off the Quidditch team. Dad told me after the meeting that the only reason I was still on the team was because Uncle Neville had fought for it. Headmistress McGonagall would have had me off the team months before.

I thought it was highly unfair that someone going out with someone in their own house could snog whenever they wanted, even in the middle of the night, and I couldn't. And I told Mum and Dad as much. Dad actually agreed with me that going out with someone from a different house was challenging, but he had managed it without ever receiving detention. He did think it unfair that The Tosser was not being punished and told me of a rule that Prefects were not allowed to "encourage the delinquency of younger students" but I would have to turn him in. Of course, I wouldn't turn The Tosser in! I was "in love".

Lucy turned him in. We had given each other permission to always eavesdrop on each others' private conversations with our parents, since we'd tell each other everything anyway, and it would save time not to have to repeat it. I never had regretted that until term started. I had gone back early to be in detention, and as soon as The Tosser arrived, we had a wonderful, well-overdue snog that I didn't get a detention for.

The next day I found out that as soon as Lucy had gotten back to Hogwarts, before she had even greeted her only sister, she went to Professor Longbottom and turned in The Tosser. When Professor Longbottom told Professor Flitwick, The Tosser was immediately removed from being a Prefect.

He thought I had turned him in, and was understandably upset when he asked me. In all fairness, he didn't accuse me, and believed me when I told him that it wasn't me. I knew it had to be Lucy, and I was furious with her. I screamed at her in front of the entire Common Room and made her cry. She was only a second year, after all.

And even worse, I quit speaking to Lucy. I wouldn't have anything to do with her. At least not off the Quidditch pitch. I wouldn't talk to her while playing, but we had never really talked while playing anyway. We just always knew where the other was and what the other was thinking. Uncle George has always teased us that we should have been his kids because we looked just like him and Uncle Fred on the field.

Anyway, Lucy kept trying to talk to me, and I kept pretending she didn't exist, until one day after Quidditch practice, we happened to be the last two left in the locker room. Lucy managed to grab my wand and put a sticking charm on me so I would at least have to listen to her. I was so angry, that I managed wandless magic to break the sticking charm. I slapped Lucy and grabbed my wand from her as she landed on her bum on the floor. I left there without a word to her. I remember hearing her sobbing as I ran out of the locker room. I still can't believe I could be so horrible, but I was.

As I ran back to Gryffindor Tower, I was certain I was going to be kicked off the Quidditch team and might even be expelled. I never made it to Gryffindor Tower, though. I ran into The Tosser and we found a broom cupboard as usual. This time we more than just snogged, though. I hadn't said anything, but I was intending to let him do whatever he wanted and not stop. Certain I was going to be expelled for slapping Lucy, I figured I might as well.

I was only half dressed and The Tosser was rather less so, when the cupboard door burst open and an older girl whose name I didn't know was there, shrieking. Apparently, he had been going out with her, too, and had been shagging her. I didn't wait around to get the full story. I don’t think I even said anything, I just grabbed my clothes and ran. I was sobbing and running, and of course, it was past curfew by this time, and I crashed straight into Uncle Neville, ending up in a rather unseemly heap on the floor.

I was mortified, still sobbing, and certain I would be expelled. I hadn't spoken to Uncle Neville in months unless I was forced to. Not a good situation. I had managed to sort of grab enough of my scattered clothing to cover my chest, while Uncle Neville politely turned his back, and I did manage to get my robes back on so I was covered, but I was sobbing so hard I couldn't manage to get up. Uncle Neville picked me up, carried me to his office, and Flooed Mum and Dad.

Mum was in the States to help out since Uncle Ed was having surgery, but Dad Flooed in immediately. I didn't hear what Uncle Neville said to Dad through the Floo, but Dad immediately hugged me and continued holding me while I sobbed. He took me home and let me telephone Mum, and even left me alone to talk to her.

I told Mum everything, even about slapping Lucy. I thought it would be better if she heard from me how awful I was rather than anyone else. She wasn't pleased with me for slapping Lucy, of course, and told me to apologize, which I already was planning to do anyway, but she was extremely comforting about The Tosser. She had her own story of Romance Gone Wrong which made me feel a bit better. I figured since I had been expelled, I could always work for Uncle George.

I guess I didn't tell you that yet. When Dad brought me home, I thought I had been expelled. When I finished talking to Mum, Dad had a cup of my favorite tea ready for me with a warming charm on it. Since I fell asleep immediately after drinking it, I know there was more than just tea in it. The next morning, Dad made me all my favorites for breakfast. I thought he was being awfully nice to someone who had been expelled, but I guess I didn't expect him to just give me bread and water either. I asked what the food was for, and he gave me that over the glasses look he does, and said "eating". So I asked him why he was making my favorites when I'd been so horrible. He said, "When Weasleys have broken hearts, we eat." I didn't argue with that logic. Dad even had a broken heart story of his own to share with me, which made me feel better, too.

After breakfast, we had the most awkward father/daughter conversation of all time when Dad asked if The Tosser had tried to rape me. Of course, I told him the truth that I was a willing participant. My face felt on fire, and I'm sure I was every bit as red as Dad looked.

I did have a pleasant surprise that I was not expelled. Dad told me Uncle Neville was negotiating to keep me on the Quidditch team. I spent the weekend at home with Dad, and I had never felt closer to him. He was really great! He told me stories about Grandma and Grandpa and all of our aunts and uncles, mostly funny stories about times when everyone had gotten in trouble, we ate, and Dad even played Quidditch with me. He's pants at it, but I appreciated the thought. I owled Lucy right after the awkward post-breakfast conversation with Dad, and I had a great weekend, returning to school on Monday morning, when Uncle Neville told me I was still on the Quidditch team but would not be going to Hogsmeade for the rest of the year. That was an OK trade-off as far as I was concerned. Lucy forgave me, I was closer to Dad than ever, and we've stayed close, I started going to tea with Uncle Neville again. Even better, The Tosser left school early to go play professional Quidditch, so I didn't even have to deal with seeing him around, which was fine by me. I hadn't thought about it at the time but because of all of my detentions (I don't think I said before, but every detention I ever received was during fourth year) I was not made Prefect. I had always thought I would be and was worried Dad would be so disappointed in me, but Mum and Dad both comforted me, and didn't seem bothered if I wasn't a Prefect. I eventually became Quidditch captain which was much better anyway.

So yeah, fourth year was very not-fun for awhile, but my life wasn't ruined forever and yours won't be either. I'll make sure I bring plenty of chocolate and will sneak in some Firewhisky somehow so we can commiserate together when I see you at Christmas.



23 November 2022

Molly! You aren't going to believe what happened-Uncle George came up here to play chess with Uncle Neville and snuck into the hospital wing to visit me "on his way out". Dad knew he came and actually was supportive of the idea. Uncle George brought me a new product that's not even on the market yet . . . Apparently both of our dads helped design this. Uncle Percy helped with the idea, and I'm guessing it was after what happened with The Tosser . . . Thank you for sharing that story with me. I do feel better. I hadn't realized, but I guess I was thinking that I had bollixed things up irreparably and after reading your letter, you're right. Things will be OK again eventually. Thanks, Molly.

Anyway, I can't tell you what Uncle George's product is in writing, because he asked me to make sure it couldn't be traced back to him when I figure out how to use it on Avery. I would not want to leave any written evidence, after all. I will look forward to showing you at Christmas, as well as sharing the chocolate and Firewhisky.

So, you asked me how I flew from Slytherin to Ravenclaw. There's a tunnel that leads from the Slytherin dormitories to the outside for owls to be able to stay in the dungeons with their owners, but still get outside to hunt. It comes out near Gryffindor Tower. It's the tunnel I've used previously for all the pranks Al and I and our friends have done, except I'm the only person who has ever been small enough to fit into it. I barely fit into it now! It was a really tight squeeze. I honestly think I'm in so much trouble this time since now everybody knows it was me who got away with everything previously. Uncle George made me promise that I will give him a full account of all of my pranks, especially since I discovered a tunnel that he and Uncle Fred never managed to find. Think of how much more Uncle Fred and Uncle George would have gotten up to if they had known they could fly into the Slytherin dormitories without even having a password!

Looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks.



23 November 2022

Dear Rose,

Yes, you may attend Victoire's shower, the Weasley Family Christmas, and Lucy's wedding. Your father and I would never make you miss once in a lifetime events. However, I do not appreciate your mentioning this to your cousin, who told your aunt, who talked to me. You should have asked me directly. We will discuss this when you get home.



23 November 2022

Dear Mum,

I never intended to talk to Dominique about the shower without asking you. I just gave her a heads up that there was a possibility of my not being there and meant to talk to you in person. I'm sorry.



24 November 2022

Dear Family and Friends,

I regret to inform you that the wedding of my daughter Lucy, previously scheduled for December 30, 2022, is cancelled. I will be returning gifts to their senders as soon as possible. Thank you.


Percival Ignatius Weasley

25 November 2022

Dear Lucy,

I am SO sorry to hear about your wedding! I also apologize for taking a day to write. I was released from the Hospital Wing yesterday, then received Uncle Percy's letter at breakfast while I was eating, but had to rush to class before I could respond. And of course I'm in detention any second I'm not in class, but I got up early this morning to write before breakfast. At least I can sleep in my own bed, even if Uncle Neville and Professor Slughorn are finding the Nastiest Things Possible for my detentions. You don't even want to know. Yuck. They've involved Hagrid. I mean, I love Hagrid, but you know how he is . . .

You don't have to tell me what happened, but if you would like some help getting revenge on The Extreme Tosser for whatever he did that made you call off the engagement, I'm in. Uncle George gave me a brilliant new product that's not even on the market, which may prove very useful. I can't tell you what it is in a letter, but I'm willing to share. Maybe we can all plan something together at Victoire's shower or at Christmas?


26 November 2022

Thank you, Rosie. I don't want to talk about anything that happened, at least not right now, but I really appreciate your support. I'm all for getting revenge on The Tosser of Tossers, and Merlin knows he deserves the worst we can dish out, but this isn't a school prank. If anyone were caught, the consequences would be much worse than detention. I don't want anyone I love to be in Azkaban or for Uncle Harry, Uncle Ron, or Roxie to risk their jobs keeping us out of Azkaban. If we can come up with something that won't get any of us arrested, I'll do it, allow it, whatever. If we can get The Tosser of Tossers arrested, that'd be a huge bonus. Maybe I'll talk to Roxie . . .



27 November 2022

Dear Rosie,

Lucy is going to move back in with Mum and Dad. She knows I am telling you that, by the way. I offered to write to you, so you can tell the Hogwarts folks, and she can tell people in person and not repeat herself bunches of times. Of course, she hadn't renewed the lease on her flat since she was going to be moving into a new flat with The Tosser of Tossers after they got married. She had planned to have her furniture moved to the new flat and stay with Mum and Dad until the wedding, but now she's just moved everything to Mum and Dad's house. She tried to renew her lease, considering the situation, but while her landlord was sympathetic, she'd already let the flat. So Lucy will be flat hunting for awhile.

I think we need to get started on revenge planning BEFORE Christmas. Poor Lucy! Roxie is coming over tomorrow to help us find potential loopholes in laws, so we know how far our prank can go without getting us in serious trouble. I know you can't write down exactly what Uncle George gave you, but is it a spell? A potion? A charm? What? We need an idea of what we might be able to do so we can start thinking . . .

And before I burst, I have to tell you something I'm not telling anyone else in the family yet . . .

Mason asked me to marry him!!!

Of course, I said yes, and we had planned to tell Mum, Dad, Lucy and the T. of T. over dinner the night Lucy came home saying her wedding was off. So the announcement didn't happen. I'd planned to tell immediate family that night and then tell everyone else at the wedding after Lucy and the T. of T. left for their honeymoon, since everyone would be together, but that plan is scarpered. And Lucy is so distraught over her wedding NOT happening, I can't announce mine right now. It just wouldn't seem right. I know Lucy would be happy for me, but I don't want to make her feel like she has to be. She's rather anti-men at the moment, understandably. I'll wait until things settle down a bit, maybe after the prank comes off.

Hope to hear back soon!



27 November 2022

Congratulations, Molly!!!!

I'm so happy for you!!

Unfortunately, the timing isn't the best with everything with Lucy. I know how close you two are. I think you and Lucy are the closest to each other among all the cousins. You're even closer than Victoire and Dominique. I'm sorry you can't share your joy with your sister and parents right now, but I'm glad you told me.

Poor Lucy and her bollocks flat situation. Does she have any friends she can move in with? Too bad Roxie just let a flat with her Auror friend or she and Lucy could have gotten a flat together.

As for the product . . . It's a type of candy. The T. of T. (I laughed so hard at that when I read your last letter that I worried Al) will have to eat it for it to work. He only needs to eat one bite for it to work, but the more he eats the longer the effect will last.



27 November 2022


I changed my mind. I will tell you what the product is, but I have charmed this letter so only you can read it, and also charmed it to burn to ashes as soon as you put it down. So don't put it down until you are completely finished.

Anyway, you're familiar with Lizard Licorice? This is the Adult Version of Lizard Licorice. Instead of the entire person turning into a lizard briefly, only a certain part of a MAN turns into a lizard-for a very long time.



29 November 2022


You aren't going to believe this, but I think I may actually have an idea of how we can get The Toft back . . . Yeah, Yeah, I know. It turns out I did inherit a bit of Dad's mischief after all, wasn't switched at birth at the hospital, etc.

Have you met my Auror Training partner Jocasta? I can't remember if you have . . . Anyway, Jo's boyfriend Hector is a Muggle University student. He works for a Muggle company delivering personalized singing telegrams. We could pretend this is an anonymous stag night prank and hire Hector to go sing to old Toft-y, preferably in the most publicly embarrassing way possible, and get him to give him "the product". If we could have Hector watch him eat all of it, that would be even better. I don't know if that's possible or not. I do know that for an extra fee, the singing telegram company will have someone film the event. Maybe we could all get together sometime and watch it at your grandparents' house, or Molly and Lucy's grandparents' house would work, too . . .

The only problem is, if this is going to be a "pre-stag night prank" we need a man to go to the shop and place the order. It can't be over the phone if Hector is going to give Tofty "the product". Even if we mailed "the product", we would still need a man who was comfortable using a telephone. The only one of our male cousins who's comfortable with telephones is Hugo, but his voice hasn't changed yet, so that won't work. This Muggle company requires a customer to be 18 to order one of the telegrams. Besides, it'd be better in person so we could include the crucial product in the same prank. Any thoughts?


30 November 2022

Roxie! Your first prank! I'm so proud!

And even though I'm at Hogwarts I know you are rolling your eyes at me, so stop it.

I agree with you that it'd be better to include "the product" with the telegram. If it's possible to personalize so that Hector watches him eat all of it, that would be good. I'm willing to dedicate my entire stash for the cause, unless Uncle George wants to make more. You really should tell him about this prank-he would be over the moon that you finally have come around to his way of doing things.

As for who can go order the telegram, I have an idea. You're going to think I'm crazy, but hear me out. Uncle Percy. His in-laws are Muggles, so he dresses like a Muggle frequently, eats at Muggle restaurants, has a telephone in his house which he's comfortable using . . . He also is like you-he possesses the gift for Weasley Mischief, but just keeps it very well hidden most of the time. Most of all, Lucy is probably closer to Uncle Percy than any of us are to our dads, and I think he'd do anything to get back at the Tosser who hurt her. I'm sure Aunt Audrey would be willing to help, too. She's good at charms, and it would be a good idea to make Uncle Percy look younger, change his hair color, and hide his glasses to make him less recognizable if anyone from the singing telegram place was ever questioned. Not that they would be, especially since they are Muggles, but just a precaution.

I'll leave it to you to talk to Uncle Percy, since I think that conversation would be better in person than by owl. Good luck!



5 December 2022

Dear Rosie,

Sorry it's been so long since you've heard from anybody. Roxie, Lucy, and I ALL talked to Dad and he's agreed! We've planned the prank during the Christmas holidays so all of us can be together to see the film and maybe even watch the prank in person ourselves if we can work out details for that . . . Dad is financing the entire thing, including paying extra for filming. He finally admitted he never liked Tofty anyway. Thanks to Roxie, that is what the entire family is calling him now. It seems to fit . . .

Anyway, Dad talked to Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione and convinced them, well, really only Aunt Hermione needed convincing, that getting back at Tofty should qualify as a family event, and you should be allowed to come. Aunt Hermione agreed. Dad thought she was only pretending to look stern. I think Uncle Ron had already worn her down. He and Dad admitted they helped Uncle George think of "the product" back in my fourth year, but it's never been used. So this will be a Weasley Family First . . .

In other news, poor Lucy has been so overwhelmed with Family Sympathy she's ready to dye her hair black and move somewhere far, far away. She doesn't want to talk to anyone about what happened, although Mum, Dad, and I know, and she really just wants to be left alone. Living with our parents, being left alone is difficult, especially with all of our relatives dropping by constantly. Uncle Neville and Aunt Hannah came by with enough "comfort food" to feed us all for a week!

More than most of us, Lucy needs her "alone time", so a plan will be in effect soon. I'm going to move in with Mason and give Lucy my flat. You and Roxie are still the only people who know we are engaged and it's going to stay that way. Lucy has had absolutely no luck finding a flat, so that problem will be solved. As a bonus, a nice scandal will take the pressure off of her. Guess whose idea this was? ROXIE'S! What has gotten into that girl? Whatever it is, I hope she keeps it.

Hang in there with your million detentions, and I'll see you in two weeks at Victoire's shower!



6 December 2022

Dear Molly,

I wondered why I hadn't heard from anybody for so long, but I guess you've all been too busy plotting. I better be careful or I'm going to lose my reputation as Uncle George and Uncle Fred's true successor.

Is it weird that I'm looking forward to Christmas break now even though I'm grounded? I'll miss a couple of friends' parties which I hate to do, but this prank will be stuff of Weasley Legend for generations to come! Looking forward to seeing you, too.



*mollywheezy, 2012, next-gen, gen, george/angelina, rose weasley, percy weasley, one-shot, bill/fleur, fred 2, teddy/victoire, lily luna, molly 2, harry/ginny, lucy, ron/hermione, al potter, harry potter, james 2, ron weasley, hugo weasley, percy/audrey, hermione weasley, george weasley

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