Drabble: Remus/Tonks

Nov 11, 2011 20:26

Title: A Bit of Help
Author: mollywheezy
Words: 476
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes: Written for sortinghatdrabs

Tonks always prided herself on her ability to drink her colleagues under the table, but tonight she felt inexplicably tipsy after only two glasses of wine. Perhaps it wasn't just the wine . . . Remus looked even more delicious than usual in clothes he had borrowed from Sirius. Or more accurately, clothes Sirius had forced him to wear. Tonks had accidentally overheard their conversation, but she wasn't eavesdropping. Really, she wasn't.

Tonks had spent the evening of the Order's Halloween party sneaking glances at Remus as often as possible. She wanted to know if his crinkly white shirt was as soft as it looked. And then she wanted to get him out of said shirt . . .

As soon as the guests began to leave Grimmauld Place, Tonks appeared at Remus' side offering to help clean up. As Sirius had made himself scarce, Remus happily accepted her offer.

Using magic, they accomplished their task quickly. Tonks was itching to touch Remus, but she couldn't figure out an excuse. For an Auror, she was such a coward sometimes. She and Remus began to ascend the staircase, when Remus suddenly stopped her and pointed above them.

"Mistletoe?" he asked.

Thank Merlin for mistletoe on Halloween! Tonks had the excuse she needed. She flung her arms around Remus and kissed him. To her surprise he reciprocated eagerly, wrapping his arms around her as well, his tongue gently pushing her lips apart.

As their tongues danced together, Tonks played with the hair that brushed Remus' collar. Remus ran his hands in lazy circles around Tonks' back. Wanting to move things forward, Tonks reached behind her back, grabbed Remus' hand, and put it on her arse. Remus squeezed appreciatively. Tonks reciprocated in kind.

After many moments, they broke apart to breathe, their foreheads resting against each other. Remus whispered, "My room?" Tonks nodded.


The next morning, Tonks quietly left Remus' room wearing only his crinkly white shirt. Unfortunately, she walked straight into Sirius. Tonks saw his delighted, mischievous grin, and before he could say anything, she pinned her cousin against the wall at wand point.

Sirius chuckled. "Good Auror reflexes, Cousin! But I don't even want to know where you're keeping your wand."

Tonks ignored him. "I have to admit, the mistletoe was brilliant, but what did you put in my wine?"

"I brewed some Attraction Elixir, but I put it in everyone's wine."

"You brewed it? You're lucky the entire Order didn't end up in St. Mungo's from drinking one of your wonky potions!"

"Now Tonks, I was just trying to help a bit. And you didn't end up in St. Mungo's . . ." Sirius trailed off, quirking an eyebrow suggestively.

"You're right. Thank you." Tonks kissed Sirius on the cheek, released her hold on him, and walked off down the corridor whistling to herself.

*mollywheezy, remus/tonks, drabble, sirius, 2011

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