Title: Flying
Rating: G
Length: 'Drabble' (6 words)
Pairings: None
Era: Not specified
Warnings: None
Note: Written for "6 Word Fic" challenge on
cw_land; prompt - 'Write a fic for a CW show in 6 words'
Note 2: Each 'fic' had to be from a different fandom; this one is Smallville
This whole flying thing's pretty cool.
Title: Sam Winchester's To-Do List
Rating: G
Length: 'Drabble' (6 words)
Pairings: None
Era: 5.22: "Swan Song"
Warnings: Spoilers for 5.22
Note: Written for "6 Word Fic" challenge on
cw_land; prompt - 'Write a fic for a CW show in 6 words'
Note 2: Each 'fic' had to be from a different fandom; this one is Supernatural
Say, "Yes." Fall. Save the world.
Title: Feel Better
Rating: G
Length: 'Drabble' (6 words)
Pairings: None
Era: Not specified
Warnings: None
Note: Written for "6 Word Fic" challenge on
cw_land; prompt - 'Write a fic for a CW show in 6 words'
Each 'fic' had to be from a different fandom; this one is The Vampire Diaries
Bite. Drink. And all is well.