Title: Shined Too Brightly
Rating: PG
Length: Poem (73 words)
Pairings: None intended (but could be read as implied Michael/Lucifer)
Era: Pre-series
Warnings: None
Summary: I knew your light would go out one day.
Note: Written for the "Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue..." writing challenge on
spnland; prompt - 'write a poem (5-30 lines) that relates to Supernatural in some way'
I knew it couldn’t
I knew it had to
I knew the light-
your light-
would go out
one day.
You were the brightest,
the most glorious,
the loveliest of us all.
And it was only a matter
of Time-
oh so fickle Time-
Before that Light
went out.
And, my dear brother,
my Morningstar,
the saying is true.
You just shined too brightly,
for far too short a time.