Title: The One With Everybody Stuck In Second Gear
Author: Fics-By-Fumph
Rating: PG
Length: 4278
Summary: A runaway bride shakes things up. Harry Potter in the style of Friends.
Warning: Quite possibly crack!fic. And romance rears its ugly head eventually, but it’s not the main focus of the story.
Author’s note: First half of story borrowed very heavily
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Comments 16
The main reason I had Ginny and Ron as Monica and Ross was because of the sister and brother relationship, though I guess that would have worked in a figurative sense with Hermione and Harry.
when you watch things as opposed to reading them.
I haven't seen the Friends' episode you based this on, so everything that happened in the story was new to me.
Poor Hermione. What a horrid choice to have to make. I loved seeing Harry come back to himself, and to see he and Ginny reconcile. It was just lovely and left me with a calm, happy feeling. :D
Very nice. I hope you keep writing, because I'd like to read more from you (which is why I friended you).
You're actually beta over at PS.net for a story I'm co-writing under the pen-name Felix-Felicitas (chapter 11 should be on its way to you at some point!), so it's nice to see you here.
And yay for chapter 11! I'm biting my nails here, waiting to see what happens next.
Erm...if you want, you could post both of these stories at PS, too, either under your own name or under the F-F name. You're already published there (and I'm already your beta), so it'd be no trouble.
(That was a not-so-subtle hint, btw. :P)
I'll send you the word docs then, if that's ok!
Would you mind if I friend you?
And I'd love it if you'd friend me.
(The comment has been removed)
It's funny, I wasn't sure if this fic would work when I was writing it, but people really seem to have liked it.
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