Ever wonder what Buzz looks like, or who inspired him?
He's based off of my tabby girl, Miss Kuu. I absolutely adore her. She's my little soulmate with four legs. Words don't even begin to describe how much I love my little Kuu Girl.
Here's pictures of her, taken by my wonderful sister. She looks like a little bread loaf with a head when she lays down! She also takes to sleeping on our heat register. :)
Also, when you look at her, she's blind in one eye. It doesn't seem to bother her, though, she navigates just fine with one eye. It's actually quite pretty to look at; she has one "stormy" eye and one clear one.
Kuu sleeping on the heat register. She loves her heat!
My little bread loaf with a head! Where'd her paws go???
Me holding Miss Kuu.
Us again. Ain't she pretty? :)