This is for Ivy, who was having a bad day.

Jan 03, 2012 18:45


Title: Ready, Fire, Aim
Author: gyzym
Series: Avengers movieverse
Pairing: Steve/Tony
WIP?: Chaptered, complete. There's also a retelling of the story from Steve's point of view, a sequel, and a couple in-universe one shots.
Summary: “Captain America is a dick,” says Tony, “and I want that written on my fucking tombstone.”
Your thoughts?: I like this because it has a really cool team dynamic. I don't know, I'm really tired, but I like the way that it's a slow understanding. The whole lot of them are extremely strong personalities and potential killing machines that are thrown together by necessity - it's going to take a minute for them to turn into the family structure that apparently appears instantaneously in most of the other fics I read.

Title: Tomorrow Belongs To Me
Author: valtyr
Series: Avengers (movieverses, as far as I can remember)
Pairing: Steve/Tony, Jane/Thor, little bit of Steve/Natasha for funsies
WIP?: Chaptered, complete
Summary: Steve wakes up in the 21st Century. He doesn't think much of it, and it's dubious about him. He meets a Norse God, joins a superhero team, and feels terribly awkward about the whole momument at Arlington he's rendered obsolete by not being dead. Meanwhile, Tony is trying to make his mark on history by being the man who finally drove Nick Fury over the edge.
Your thoughts?: This handles Steve's immersion in the 21st century really well. It's also got an honest-to-goodness case!fic (or whatever the superhero equivalent of a case is, idek, there's an actual plot). I don't know, like I said, tired, and I have some place to be. Just really good. I did skip over a lot of the plotty parts though because it's very Thor heavy and I hadn't watched the movie at that point - you really have to have seen Thor and Captain America if you want a hope of understanding what's going on.



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