I'm actually reccing things!

May 04, 2010 01:40

Hey, community-at-large. So I usually get my fics FROM this community and see no reason to go out searching. BUT I'm skimming along the LGBTfest community since the event is going on, and I figured I'd pop in and let you know which ones that I read are worth reading.

Title: A Song for Someone
Author: chicafrom3
Series: Glee
Pairing: Santana/Matt, Santana/Puck, Santana/Brittany
WIP?: short oneshot, complete
Genre: buildungsroman! (coming of age, self-discovery), queer
Brief Summary:
a response to this prompt: Matt Rutherford and Santana Lopez, everyone expects him to get jealous of her on-again-off-again sexcapades with Puck. Or to freak out over her it's-not-a-relationship-it's-just-sex thing with Brittany. Being the aromantic asexual best friend, Matt just wishes she'd stop telling him all the dirty details.
author's summary: In which Santana gets laid, Matt doesn't, and relationships are complicated.
Your thoughts: This is just downright adorable. Nevermind the fact that it deals with things all along the queer spectrum, nevermind the fact that there's a *gasp* asexual character in a fanfiction, it was just fun to read. It's a short, well-done fic that was like a little bubble of the show. It's totally my canon now.
link (Mods, I don't remember how to make a link for the life of me) http://fandomfrom3.livejournal.com/35410.html

Title: On Paper
Author: Delphi
Series: Harry Potter
Pairing: none
WIP?: short oneshot, complete
Genre: gen (again with the coming of age queer theme tho)
Brief Summary:
response to this prompt: Harry Potter, any character, A canon character uses spells/potions to transition from one sex to another.
author's summary: The curious authority of paper and ink. (The spell in question from the prompt is the Magic Quill that sends people Hogwarts letters)
Your thoughts: This is my favorite of the lgbtfest fics I've read so far. It is short but brilliant. what about trans people in Harry Potter? How is that dealt with? Alastor Moody if FtM, and magic doesn't solve everything.
link: http://community.livejournal.com/lgbtfest/115512.html#cutid1

harry potter, glee

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