didja miss me?

Apr 11, 2010 04:36

hey guys, i'm the worst mod ever

school and work have been collectively kicking my ass. since i have work tomorrow morning, i figured the single most rational course of action for me right now would be to say a pleasant "screw you" to sleeping and try to make up for that with THE HUGEST MONSTER POST IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD EVAR.

or possibly just one or two recs. we'll see what happens to me - i'm feeling some zz's coming on.

first thing's first: mama's got herself a brand new fandom.

Title: The Art of (un)Living Dangerously Through Daring Acts of Boredom
Author: sparky77
Series: Being Human (oh my god you guys this show why do i love it so much)
Pairing: pretty heavy on the george/mitchell pre-slash, but it's still gen
WIP?: one-shot, complete
Genre: gen, as previously mentioned - a cute little introspective bit
Brief Summary: When you’ve done everything, been everyone, being boring becomes the most daring thing you can do.
Your thoughts: My god I love this show like crack. It's so beautifully domestic in such a desperate way and that's why it's different from? better than? the mass number of shows that have come out of this latest supernatural craze that birthed us things like true blood or the vampire diaries or whatever. There're all these show that are all about the doomed romances, and this sort of glorified mysticism that comes out of being a vampire/ghost/werewolf, and this show isn't about that and it's all the more real for it - i feel like this fanfic captures that whole feeling brilliantly.
(for those of you who haven't seen it yet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPGZGt4EArU. I don't think it would be physically possible for me to love mitchell more than I do in this moment)

Title: Monsters v. Aliens
Author: troyswann
Series: Being Human/Torchwood
WIP?: There's an amazing followup here but it looks like that's the end of it
Genre: gen, characterdeath in the way Jack does it
Brief Summary: "The lingering darkness in the valley is a lake of dark water. Just below its surface, Ianto holds his breath."
Your thoughts: This is so perfect. I love Mitchell being just a little bit scary, and the thought of him and Jack with a history long enough to bicker over. George and Ianto are so absolutely ready to be besties, you can feel it from their (marvelous) characterization. god if I could get one thing for christmas it would be more interaction between these two groups, just the way this author writes it.

[edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_k3Ws--yQu8 i just can't stop.)

Title: Equinox
Author: luchia13
Series: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
WIP?: Chaptered, complete
Brief Summary: In which Castiel is the weird time-traveling freak who just might be the love of Dean Winchester's life.
Your thoughts: Sometimes, you read something and it instantly becomes one of your favorites ever. This is one of those times. I've reread it more than i can even count and it is more and more awesome every time - think "time traveller's wife" (a book, by the way, that i love unabashedly) with a bit of a twist and maybe, ultimately, a little more happiness.

remember that sleeping thing? i think i'ma do it now. but i have two months of backlog to dump on you people so sit tight, it'll come your way soon. :P

supernatural, being human, crossover, torchwood

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