(no subject)

Oct 11, 2008 15:50

Okay, i didn't get around to putting these up last night, but that doesn't make them any less fabulous

Title: Days Without Feathers
Author: pyrebi
Series: Supernatural
Pairing: none (sam/jess mentions, though)
Genre: angst, outside POV
WIP?: one-shot, complete
Brief Summary: It’s tragic, everyone says. A chance in a million-a shorted wire, an untended candle. When they get the news (one survivor, a young male), she puts a hand over her mouth and waits for the world to end.
Your thoughts?: i think one of the reasons i really like pyrebi's stuff is that she always goes for the strange perspectives, the ones people never think of. this is more of that.
jess died and it was tragic and we all felt for sam and wrote bazillions of fics about their life together in paolo alto, but i have never once read one that speaks about her parents. this describes the pain and heartbreak of losing a child quite well. it just hurts to read... i can't think why i didn't rec it before

Title: A Million Light Years From Home
Author: Victoria P
Series: harry potter/firefly
Pairing: none that i remember... maybe hints of remus/sirius
Summary: "You're a long, long way from home, but you're a good dog."
Your thoughts?: Sirius was my favorite character, flaws and all - he was just so dang COOL. and way hotter in my mind (no offense gary oldman) - so, naturally, when he died, i was devastated. Not only did victoria p make him live (HUZZAH), but she also managed to do it within one of my other favorite fandoms: firefly. It's a good crossover that uses a lot of different aspects of the characters on top of making me smile. River is, as always, fabulous.

the amount of tired i've got going on right now (NERD is throwing a 12 hour LAN party that's actually mostly rockband, mario kart, and super smash bros) means that my summaries are more disjointed and erroneous than usual, for which i apologize. it's been a long day.

i think i'm gonna do some active recruiting for more people to rec things... i never meant for this to be a one-man operation and quite frankly, it's getting a tad lonely posting solo.

harry potter, supernatural, firefly, crossover

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