i can ride my bike with no handlebars

Aug 14, 2008 18:24

Title: "What are they going to call you?"
Author: atrata
Series: Iron Man
Pairing: None
Genre: INSPIRATIONAL. but mostly gen.
WIP?: One-shot, complete
Brief Summary: Commencement Address, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 2008. Speaker: Tony Stark.
Your thoughts?: All I can say is that if someone had said something like this at my graduation, I would have paid a hell of a lot more attention.

Title: 5 Times Obadiah Stane Cloned Tony Stark
Author: quigonejinn and jamaillith
Series: Iron Man
Pairing: stane/tony
Genre: creepy as fuck (also: non-con and AU warnings)
WIP?: chaptered, complete
Brief Summary: Five fics and ficlets exploring the question of what might (and might not) happen if Obadiah Stane decided to take matters into his own hands.
Your thoughts?: ...woah. none of these are happy, in any way. evocative, even if some of it is a bit beyond my comprehension.

he lives long enough to see the world

Title: Playing Doctors (or, five medical show crossovers that never happened)
Author: roga
Series: Grey's Anatomy/ER, Grey's/Scrubs, Scrubs/House, House/Grey's, and Scrubs/House
Pairing: Um, canon, i think
WIP?: series of one-shots, complete
Brief Summary: five medical shows that never crossed over
"When I call you for a consult, you come, when I don’t need you any more, you leave. What you don't do in between is tell me about your love lives. The obvious reason for this is of course that I don't give a rat's ass, or in fact the ass of any animal in the entire history of evolution, from the prehistoric amoeba's tiny one-celled rear end to J-Lo's natural yet more significant assets."
Your thoughts?: I only recognize two fandoms (scrubs and house) in this whole lineup, but it's hilarious either way. and heartbreaking. depends on what you read, but i commend this author for her ability to write such range of emotion (her dr. cox is freaking BRILLIANT)

Title: Things You Have To Get Used To When John Dorian Is Your Boyfriend
Author: puritybrown
Series: Scrubs
Pairing: JD/Cox
Genre: fluff with a touch of realism. much like the show itself
WIP?: one-shot, complete
Brief Summary: Let anybody think you have a weakness and they'll walk all over you: that was the sum total of the wisdom he'd accumulated in his life.
Your thoughts?: The relationship here still squicks me a little, but since there is hardly any gen fic in the entire freaking fandom (and if someone knows of one, please, please tell me?), i cut my losses and went with the best of the slash. which this is. Excellent characterization, established relationship, and the last one made me giggle like nobody's business.
Edit: http://archiveofourown.org/works/86018?view_adult=true

Title: dogs are barking as the kingdom fell
Author: Mari
Series: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Bela
WIP?: One-shot, complete
Brief Summary: "He watches her eyes grow back, see?"
Your thoughts?: Hell in the season finale was, to say the least, underwhelming. This hell is much more vivid and a hell of a lot less pretty.

Title: Curriculum Vitae
Author: Iseult Variante
Series: Bones
Pairing: Angela/Hodgins
WIP?: One-shot, complete
Brief Summary: Four jobs Angela passed through, and the one where she stayed.
Your thoughts?: short, cute little character study

I wanted to find some psych or doctor who to finish this off, but no dice. also i have to leave. LYU I AM COMING FOR YOUUUU~

bones, house, scrubs, greys anatomy, iron man, er, supernatural, crossover

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