it's okay, ben. i cried inside that bag.

Jun 03, 2008 20:35

When in doubt - rec!

I've discovered a new fandom, much to my chagrin, and would like to take a moment to congratulate myself on reccing smallville instead of twilight.
because if it were the latter, i might actually have to kill myself. :D

Title: Unpretty
Author: Elizabeth
Series: Smallville
Pairing: None
WIP?: One-shot, complete
Brief Summary: A (very) short Chloe POV piece
Chloe is willing to bet that Lana writes bad poetry.

Whitney hasn't called me
my heart aches
a leaf falls
winter is everywhere
Your thoughts?: This fic switches between humor and remarkable insight into Chloe's character, who is the girl next door to the girl next door. it's never fun being second.

Title: Still Two Fools
Author: kantayra
Series: Smallville
Genre: Humor
Pairing: Clark/Lex
WIP?: Chaptered, complete
Brief Summary: Clark and Mercy team up to save Lex from his real arch-nemesis: marriage.
Your thoughts?: Poor Lex, it's so true... it's like Xander's propensity for demon girlfriends. STOP TRYING TO MARRY PEOPLE. IT NEVER WORKS OUT. T_T
On that note, I laughed my ass off and I wish Mercy was written like this (see: properly!) more often. So excellent and with oblivious!Clark to boot.

Title: Wabbit Hunting
Author: supacat
Series: smallville
Genre: humor!
Pairing: None, really. Except for ear-scratching.
WIP?: One-shot, complete
Brief Summary: "Kryptonite turns Clark (or Superman) into a bunny. Lex grabs his gun and goes wabbit hunting."
Your thoughts?: Seriously, one of the funniest things ever. Women fawned over the bunny, and loved to stroke it, and sometimes picked it up and pressed it to their breasts, where it looked squashed and uncomfortable. In that respect, Lex reflected, absolutely nothing had changed.

Title: The Doctor and Mr. Jones
Author: sam-storyteller
Series: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Pairing: ianto/jack
WIP?: Chaptered, complete
Brief Summary: The Doctor thought he was alone in the universe -- but Torchwood is about to prove him wrong.
Your thoughts?: Crap. Well, I read this one a while ago, and felt it worthy enough to be saved into my bookmarks, but I can't recall for the life of me how it ends and I've not got the time to reread it now. BUT. I can tell you that characterizations are spot on, the plot is interesting, and it's ianto-centric. do you really need another reason?

I'm trying to keep the smallville on the light side of fluff, because a) nothing can swear you off a fandom like a couple kink/angst-ridden fics in the very beginning and b) everything more serious tends to end in lex luthor getting raped/tortured/mind controlled into doing something unpleasant.
bright side? i've finally found someone who has the same amount of fandom grudge as shawn spencer. poor babies. they should hang out.

smallville, doctor who, supernatural, torchwood

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