mmm turkey day

Nov 22, 2007 01:24

Okay, so, a couple of recs, mostly to justify a mod post.

1. Starting with the oldest entries and working our way towards the new ones, we (mostly me, because I doubt ivy has the time) are going to start sending authors little "hey, look where you got posted" notifications. reasoning: it's always nice to know someone loves you, no matter how long ago it was. right? right.

2. I have finally, FINALLY made it to september in the grand master list. does this matter? Not really. Am I insanely proud of myself nonetheless? HELL YES. I'm also looking for people to a) count the fics and b) check the links. any volunteers? you get a cookie!

3. Am thinking of making a whole seperate GML for just the harry potter stuff. As it is i have to copypaste into notepad so I can add new things. what do you think? do you care?

Title: Old Country
Author: Astolat
Series: Supernatural/Harry Potter
Pairing: Wincest (kind of)
WIP?: Chaptered, complete
Summary: Sam and Dean go to Hogwarts.
Your thoughts: "Good. Any of those ghosts try anything, you know what to do." "Whack 'em, salt 'em, and find out where they're buried," they all said in unison.
In which our boys may or may not accidentally exorcise the Fat Friar. Whoops.
Dean's part in this whole story is wonderful, honestly. I love him, I love the Impala, and I love how everyone's dealing with the aftermath of the war. Sam's bits, on the other hand... I don't know why, but I found myself scrolling through most of them. I get that he was isolated and removed and all, but in being removed from the goings on he seems to have exited the story altogether (until the last part). I do like how it's mostly sam and dean with only a little emphasis on Harry and his whole entorage, though. :D

Title: A Very Special Time in a Young Man's Life
Author: cupiscent
Series: Supernatural
Pairing: none
WIP?: One-shot, complete
Summary: Dean turns into a girl... again.
Your thoughts?: Oh, hell yes. I'm as supicious of genderswap as the next person (probably more, actually, after this one fic where sam was a girl and the 17th century was involved... anyway), but this is freaking awesome. For one thing, one of the winchesters is totally on top of it. The other one: not so much.
"The fuck?" Dean turned to face him, pulling the t-shirt down, the line of it all wrong because, "Dean, you have tits."

Title: 20 Things Sam Winchester Is Not Allowed To Do
Author: dierdre_c
Series: Supernatural
Pairing: none
WIP?: One-shot, complete
Summary: Sam gets bored on the road sometimes
Your thoughts?: i lolled
14. I’m not allowed to refer to Dad as “Dean’s Imaginary Friend.”

IN GENERAL (and the most important part)


plz tell me, let a mod know you exist.

Hope your turkey is delicious! :D

harry potter, supernatural, crossover, mod post

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