Just one, but it's a doozy

Jan 11, 2007 18:23

Hey kiddies! Sorry I've been so lax in updating, but the truth is, I just don't get that much time online these days.

Well, that and whatever spare time I do have online has been spent reading these three babies:
(Psst: They're an arc without a name, so I'm just going to mix up the who-whats-and-whens.

Author: Rahira
Series: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing (if any): Buffy/Spike, Willow/Tara, mentions of past Buffy/Angel, but no more than the usual, BRIEF Willow/Kennedy, Riley/His Not-Skanky-Ho Wife, Riley/Harmony, and many other things that I have forgotten and plan on remembering by rereading every glorious inch of these fics.

Title: A Raising in the Sun
WIP?: Chaptered, Complete
Summary: Four months after Buffy's death, the gang discovers an unscrupulous wizard planning to raise her, and must decide whether or not to stop him.
Title: Necessary Evils
WIP?: Chaptered, Complete
Summary: Glory's dead - so why are new brainsuck victims turning up in Sunnydale? Willow is drawn to a dangerous solution to the problem, while Buffy deals with her conflicted feelings about Spike.
Title: A Parliament of Monsters
WIP?: Chaptered, Incomplete, last update was a while ago
Summary: Buffy and Spike explore the question of what comes after the happily ever after, and the difficulties encountered by leopards who persist in changing their spots.

Your thoughts?: This fanfic not only introduces a new idea, it takes it and RUNS, flag of originality streaming in the wind. It's brilliantly written. I am actually filled with AWE by this fic - it's got humor, relationships (the kind I like!), and unsouled Spike who is believeable and for whom I can manage a level of empathy, and problems BEYOND the ones Joss Whedon has worried to death in the show. Not only that, but it carries out an entire alternate universe that's still in tandem with Joss verse - by changing one significant event, all these other things are altered, but outside events remain. Riley still comes back for a visit. Kennedy still shows up, drama in tow. All these things happen, and it's... gah. As much as I hate ending any summary this way, Just Read It. You'll appreciate it I promise.

buffy the vampire slayer

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