Three GW, blast from the past (ftw)

Oct 23, 2006 17:04

Title: Even After You're Gone
Author: TJ Dragonblade
Series: Gundam Wing
Pairing: 2x5, mentions and hints at past 3x4
WIP?: One-shot, complete
Brief Summary: Duo's missing somebody.
My notes: This is not what you think. That's all I can really say about it. I dug this up a while ago on request of Sarah, and it was sitting around in my LJ somewhere until I dug it up and put it here. Seriously only read this if you have the urge to start crying. I don't cry often, and I've read this fic at least four or five times, and yet every dang time it starts me sniffling. T__T

Title: Twenty-Five Years
Author: Sol 1056
Series: Gundam Wing
Pairing: 1x2
Genre: Romance, Tragedy
WIP?: One-shot, complete
Brief Summary: Duo liked to tell Heero that for every memory, the man had a gray hair.
My Notes: Following my apparent angsty-trend that I've been on lately, this is another tear-jerker. It's a believable, (mostly) happy post-war life for the gw boys, which is a bright shining change from the usual "AND THEN THEY ALL WENT CRAZY" shit that gets churned out. But it's not all sunshine. That's all I'm gonna say.

Title: Bish Hunter Duo
Author: Mel and Christy
Series: Gundam Wing, and maybe Croc Hunter. O_o
Pairings: 1x2x5, 3x4
Genre: Humor, Fluff, "adventure!"
WIP?: Chaptered, Complete
Brief Summary: "David Attenborough, I think. He's sneakier."
My Notes:
Very silly, no plot to speak of, Duo is oddly Australain. nuff said. will make your blues away. Mostly here just because I felt guilty leaving you with two hugely angsty fics and nothing to cheer you up.

gundam wing

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