X-Men - The Diamonds Arc

Nov 23, 2011 00:40

The Diamonds Arc by Galaxia Alpha (link is to the first story in the series). After the events that led to Remy being abandoned in Antarctica, the thief tries to piece his life back together, but is interrupted by the kidnapping of an old teammate. Takes place around Uncanny XMen 360.

Status: 3 complete stories, two of which are multi-chaptered. 1 unfinished story. Unlikely to be updated.

I really enjoyed the first story in this series because other than Valerie Jones' Thick as Thieves series, it's hard to find long Gambit fic that gives Gambit his due without bringing him too far out of character. I'm also a sucker for plotlines dealing with the revelations in the Gambit comic series. This is a very angsty series, which is probably why I got bogged down by the second and third fics, but I was still quite interested, and I'm sad that it's unlikely for the series to ever be finished. Still well worth a look if you just stop reading at story #3.

angst, gen, action, x-men

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