Star Wars/Rurouni Kenshin - Shadows in Starlight

Feb 07, 2008 18:11

Shadows in Starlight by Vathara. What if Obi-Wan found more than the tractor beam's location in the Death Star files? AU, fusion with Rurouni Kenshin.

Status: 14 chapters. Complete.

I really enjoyed this story but I have a feeling your mileage may vary, not to mention there are a lot of niggling little problems with the story that could or could not turn a reader off of it. The first is that I'm pretty sure if you're not well acquainted with Kenshin's time period and with Japanese culture, this comes off as a very confusing story (and I was rather weirded out to see Japanese historical events adapted for use in galactic history). The writing style and characterizations are interesting with an interpretation of Obi-wan that I can see, but don't quite agree with (not to mention, he really should have figured out who Kenshin was much sooner). Most of the Kenshin characters were spot on. The story is chock full of revelation scenes which is fun. Scene transitions aren't always up to snuff and sometimes I think the author doesn't go to enough effort to explain things. I was kinda rolling my eyes at the mystical stuff, but it's not like you can't make the Force be whatever you want it to be so eh. Plot wise, it basically covers the first season of the anime with Obi-wan wandering in and out. It's a bit of a self-indulgent story (of a kind you often see in the SWs universe to be fair) in which Obi-wan survives and the Kenshin people get to live in an interesting culture and grow as people. Actually, Kaoru comes off a lot better than she ever did in the manga/anime too. Worth a look if you're a fan of both series, but will be confusing if you're not.

star wars, action, kenshin, drama

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