Arms of Love

Feb 06, 2010 00:32

Title: Arms of Love
Author: digitaldesigner
Word Count: 411
Rating: PG
Spoilers: A spoiler-free zone.
Pairing: Mulder/Scully
Summary: It's Valentine's Day.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to Chris Carter. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for hazel_eyes_86.

This wasn't beta'd. All mistakes are mine.

"Morning," Scully greeted the man she loved with a kiss as she poured herself a cup of coffee and then joined him in the living room. He smiled from his chair and took a sip of his own coffee. Glancing down at the coffee table in front of her, she looked up at him in surprise. "Mulder?"

"Open it," he simply told her.

Scully lifted the small box in her hands, as if to examine it. Seeing a card, she decided to open that first. She slid a nail under the flap and drew the card out. It bore a picture of a man and woman dancing. "Happy Valentine's Day to the woman I love," she read. Opening it, she read the message printed inside. "You are my love, my life, my forever Valentine. When I hold you in my arms, I embrace everything that matters to me on this earth." She paused, reading the words he'd written underneath. "You make me want to be a better man. I love you with all my heart, Mulder."

"Oh, Mulder," she whispered as a tear fell.

He smiled, rising from his chair and joining her on the sofa. Sitting down beside her, he gently brushed her tear away. "Open the box," he told her softly.

She pulled away the silver wrapping that covered a black velvet box. She lifted the lid and gasped. Inside lay a one karat diamond solitaire engagement ring. Mulder gently took it from her and got down on one knee. "Scully, you make my life worth living. You bring sunshine and light to the very darkest of days. I love you with everything I am. Will you marry me?"

Scully nodded. "Yes. Yes, I will marry you," she told him with tears shining in her blue eyes. Mulder slid the ring onto the third finger of her left hand and framed her face in the palms of his hands. He carressed her cheeks with his fingertips and sweetly brushed his lips against hers.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Scully," he whispered before pressing his lips to hers again in a kiss that started out just as sweet as the first one had, but this one soon turned steamy. He pulled her to her feet and led the way to the bedroom, where they made love until the afternoon had all but faded away. It had been a perfect way to spend the day. They'd spent it in the arms of love.

author: aimee, fandom: the x-files, type: drabble, type: stand-alone, rating: pg

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