Halloween Fun

Oct 31, 2011 23:09

Title: Halloween Fun
Author: digitaldesigner
Beta: hazel_eyes_86
Word Count: 451
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None
Pairing/Characters: Castle/Beckett
Summary: It was Halloween in the Castle household.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to Andrew Marlowe. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Part of the Family Adventures series.

It was Halloween night. While Kate did enjoy the holiday, it wasn't necessarily her favorite. Her husband, however, loved it beyond all reason. Last year, Nicholas hadn't been old enough to fully enjoy the fun of the holiday, but this year Rick had made sure to teach him about costumes and candy. He'd maintained that some traditions must be kept. They'd carved their son's first pumpkin just last week.

She smiled as she remembered the look of utter delight on their toddler's face as his dad helped him hold the kid-safe carver. She was pretty sure more pumpkin had gotten on Nicholas than in the trashcan they'd used to hold the pumpkin guts. The finished product was lopsided and one eye was larger than the other. It was perfect.

Tonight they were partaking in the tradition of trick-or-treating and gathering as much candy as they possibly could in the span of a few hours time. She'd wanted to dress him up as something cute, like Mickey Mouse, but Rick had insisted on something manly like a football player. She'd argued that Nicholas was only two, but it hadn't done any good. So they'd compromised; he was going as the tiniest Batman she'd ever seen.

Alexis had stopped dressing up for Halloween a few years ago, but she'd decided to dress as Catwoman to match her little brother. In truth, Kate thought they were both adorable.

Kate hadn't been planning on wearing a costume herself, but Rick had insisted. Knowing it would be futile to argue the fact, she finally consented. He'd wanted to go as a couple, which she'd readily agreed to. First, he'd wanted to go as a football player and cheerleader, which she'd vehemently refused. Several other ridiculous suggestions soon followed. Finally, he came up with Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley. She'd probably freeze in her costume, but it was worth it just to see him in a jumpsuit. Plus, Martha would be taking pictures before they left.

"Are you guys ready?" she called up the stairs, wondering if he'd let her get away with wearing a coat over her costume. She was cold already.

"We're ready," Rick told her as the three of them came down the stairs together, Catwoman carrying Batman. Her husband was smiling wildly, his eyes traveling the length of her body. Judging from the look in his eyes, he was appreciating the view.

"Come on, picture time," Martha told them as she held the camera and ushered them together so she could snap a few shots, both as a family and individually. She smiled and waved as they headed out the door before heading out the door to own Halloween fun.

fandom: castle, author: aimee, series: family adventures, type: drabble, rating: pg

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