
Oct 11, 2011 14:29

Title: Hero
Author: digitaldesigner
Beta: hazel_eyes_86
Word Count: 103
Prompt: hero
Rating: PG
Spoilers: A spoiler-free zone.
Pairing: Angel/Cordelia
Summary: He was not a hero.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to Joss Whedon and David Greenwalt. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for fandomverse.

Angel never considered himself a hero. Quite the opposite, actually. He was a vampire, a monster. A hero was someone who spent their life doing good. He spent most of his doing the worst things imaginable. Killing and torturing innocent people just for the fun of it. He was definitely not a hero.

He supposed he'd done some good in more recent years. He'd saved lives, stopped an apocalypse or two and defeated Wolfram & Hart. But did that make up for all the destruction he'd caused as a soulless vampire? He didn't think so.

So why did Cordy insist that he was?

Title: Eyes
Author: digitaldesigner
Beta: hazel_eyes_86
Word Count: 109
Prompt: eyes
Rating: PG
Spoilers: A spoiler-free zone.
Pairing: Mulder/Scully
Summary: He loved her eyes.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to CC. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for fandomverse.

He loved her eyes, blue as the ocean on a summer day. It was often said that your eyes were the window to your soul. With Scully, it was completely true. When she was angry, they darkened to that of a raging storm. When she was happy, they were clear as the blue sky above. When she laughed, they twinkled and when she was sad, they were as gloomy as she felt.

After a picnic in the park, he took her hand in his and asked her to be his wife. As he nervously waited for her answer, he saw her decision in those eyes long before she spoke.

Title: Magic
Author: digitaldesigner
Beta: hazel_eyes_86
Word Count: 100
Prompt: magic
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Knockdown, Knockout
Pairing: Castle/Beckett
Summary: She remembered their first kiss.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to Andrew Marlowe. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for fandomverse.

Beckett remembered the first time she'd kissed Richard Castle. It'd been part of a charade, an act to get past a guard to save Ryan and Esposito, but even in the midst of all that, she recognized it for what it truly was.

They'd both pretended it hadn't meant anything, never even talked about it for weeks afterwards, but the truth was, it meant everything.

It may have started out as a joke, but they'd dropped that farce the moment his lips touched hers. Instead, it was tender and passionate, loving and emotional. It was them. And it was magic.

Title: Evil
Author: digitaldesigner
Beta: hazel_eyes_86
Word Count: 113
Prompt: evil
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Home, Denna
Pairing/Characters: Kahlan
Summary: Evil was all around them.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belongs to Sam Raimi and Terry Goodkind. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for fandomverse.

There was evil all around them. It came in so many forms. Magic used for personal gain, brother murdering brother just for a few extra pieces of gold and one couldn't forget the greatest evil of all--Darken Rahl, who would stop at nothing to control the whole world.

He'd tried so many times already. He'd tortured Richard to within an inch of his life in an attempt to learn the location of the third box of Orden, but luckily they'd managed to break him free before that happened. When that hadn't worked, he'd tried to use magical means to get what he wanted, but that had failed, too.

Yes, evil was everywhere.

Title: One More Day
Author: digitaldesigner
Beta: hazel_eyes_86
Word Count: 110
Prompt: loss
Rating: PG
Spoilers: general series knowledge
Character: Kate Beckett
Summary: Her whole world changed forever.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to Andrew Marlowe. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for fandomverse.

The day she'd lost her mom, her whole world changed. She'd been more than a mom; she'd also been her best friend. She was the one she ran to when her first boyfriend broke her heart. She was the first person she told when she was accepted into the college of her choice. They'd often spent weekends shopping or watching old movies. They baked cookies when she was feeling sad, a tradition they'd started when Kate was only five.

Even all these years later, she still missed doing those mother-daughter things. She would give anything for just one more day with her.

She sighed. It never got any easier.

Title: Costumes
Author: digitaldesigner
Beta: hazel_eyes_86
Word Count: 110
Prompt: colors
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Vampire Weekend
Pairing: Castle/Beckett
Summary: Alexis and Castle discuss Halloween costumes.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to Andrew Marlowe. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for fandomverse.

"Alexis, why did you dye your hair five different colors?" he asked, torn between amusement and concern.

"It's only temporary, Dad. It's part of my Halloween costume."

"What are you going as? A rainbow?"

"No," she said, smirking. "I'm going as a clown."

"Traditional. I like it."

"What about you?" she asked. "You're not going as the space cowboy again, are you?"

"It's a classic!" he insisted.

"Get over it, Dad. It's time to move on."

"Fine. I'm going as Batman," he told her, whipping back an invisible cape.

"Have you told Beckett yet?"

"It was her idea," he grinned. "She's going as Catwoman."

Alexis smiled. Somehow, it seemed perfect.

Title: Birthday Party
Author: digitaldesigner
Beta: hazel_eyes_86
Word Count: 109
Prompt: fun
Rating: PG
Spoilers: A spoiler-free zone.
Pairing: None.
Summary: It was Emily's birthday.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to Jeff Davis. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for fandomverse.

When Emily entered the room, she was greeted with a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday.

"What's this?" she asked, indicating the birthday cake and presents.

"What's it look like?" Morgan laughed. "It's your birthday party."

"I don't remember telling anyone when my birthday is."

"Haven't you learned you can't hide anything from me?" Garcia asked.

"Apparently I forgot," Emily laughed. "Is there anything you don't know?"

"It's better not to ask that," Hotch chuckled.

"Cake or presents first?" JJ asked.

"Are you crazy? Presents!"

Presents opened and cake eaten, they spent the rest of the night telling stories and laughing at bad jokes. Emily couldn't remember a better birthday.

Title: Two By Two
Author: digitaldesigner
Beta: hazel_eyes_86
Word Count: 109
Prompt: two
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Memoriam
Pairing: Will/JJ
Summary: JJ was pregnant again.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to Jeff Davis. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for fandomverse.

When Henry was two, JJ got pregnant again. She was just as excited as she had been the first time. She and Will were really hoping for a girl this time. JJ dreamed of doing all the mother-daughter things she had done with her own mother. She wanted to bake cookies and read her stories about princesses. She wanted to teach her to follow her heart, but not be afraid when someone broke it.

She'd once again been at work when her water broke. She'd gotten a distinct feeling of déjà vu.

All that wishing for a girl must have paid off. She gave birth to twin girls.

Title: Misplaced Trust
Author: digitaldesigner
Beta: hazel_eyes_86
Word Count: 110
Prompt: stranger
Rating: PG
Spoilers: A spoiler-free zone.
Pairing: Angel/Cordelia
Summary: You tried to teach your kids to watch out for strangers.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to Joss Whedon and David Greenwalt. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for fandomverse.

As parents, you tried to teach your kids to watch out for strangers, to only trust people they knew. But what were you supposed to tell them when the people they thought they could trust turned out to be enemies instead?

When he and Cordy adopted their daughter, they limited who had access to her, but as she got older, some things were beyond their control. They refused to limit who she could be friends with and they couldn't do anything about the teachers she got.

When Allie was ten, she didn't come home from school. Her favorite teacher had kidnapped her. It took three months to get her back.

Title: Inconceivable
Author: digitaldesigner
Beta: hazel_eyes_86
Word Count: 110
Prompt: family
Rating: PG
Spoilers: A spoiler-free zone.
Pairing: Will/JJ
Summary: She couldn't imagine her life without them in it.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to Jeff Davis. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for fandomverse.

"When's the family going to be here?" Will asked, hair still wet from his shower.

JJ smiled. He wasn't talking about either of their families. He was talking about her team. "Any moment now."

When most people thought of family, they thought of biological families, people you grew up with. But the members of her team were her family, just like Will and Henry were. They were there for her in ways most people couldn't imagine. She never wanted to imagine her life without them in it. It was inconceivable.

Still lost in thought, she was startled when the doorbell rang. "Hey, guys," she smiled, opening the door. "Come in."

Title: Nerves
Author: digitaldesigner
Beta: hazel_eyes_86
Word Count: 110
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Lauren
Pairing: None.
Summary: Emily was nervous.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to Jeff Davis. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for fandomverse.

Emily was nervous, working up the nerve to get out of her car. She was returning to the BAU and the people she'd left behind. Her friends, her family. She didn't know how they would react to her after being led to believe that she'd been dead for the better part of the last year. Would they be happy to see her or angry they'd been lied to? Would they welcome her back with open arms or turn their backs on her?

There was only one way to find out what they were thinking. She had to face them. She took a deep breath and stepped out of the car.

Title: Rejection
Author: digitaldesigner
Beta: hazel_eyes_86
Word Count: 110
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Head Case
Pairing/Character: Alexis
Summary: Alexis deals with rejection.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to Andrew Marlowe. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for fandomverse.

Alexis wanted to get into Stanford more than anything. Sure, she had initially applied because of Ashley, but the more she looked into it, the more she realized it was perfect for her and she quickly recognized that she wanted to go there for her.

Getting that rejection letter was the worst feeling she'd ever experienced. She still didn't understand how her dad could deal with rejection letters. Why would he frame one so he had to look at it every time he sat down to write?

She knew she'd eventually have to choose another school, but for now, she held onto her stuffed bunny and let the tears fall.

Title: Relapse
Author: digitaldesigner
Beta: hazel_eyes_86
Word Count: 110
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Memento Mori, Redux II
Pairing/Characters: Mulder/Scully
Summary: Scully was scared.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to CC. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for fandomverse.

She put on a brave face, but she was scared. Scared she wouldn't be there to watch their children grow up. After nearly ten years, her cancer had returned with a vengeance. Mulder was doing everything within his power to find a cure, but the truth was, they just didn't know how to treat it. They were trying several different conventional treatments, but she had little hope of any of them being successful. After all, they hadn't worked last time. Why would this time be any different?

She sighed as a tear fell, praying that somehow Mulder would find the answer. She believed in him, but she was still scared.

Title: No Regrets
Author: digitaldesigner
Beta: hazel_eyes_86
Word Count: 109
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Four Winds and Following Seas
Pairing/Characters: Harm/Mac
Summary: They'd been told Mac couldn't have kids.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to Donald P. Bellisario. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for fandomverse.

They'd been told Mac couldn't have kids. It was the reason she hadn't immediately said yes to marrying him. She'd wanted to be sure he wouldn't later regret it, but that hadn't mattered. He'd only wanted her. After ten blissful years of marriage, he hadn't regretted that decision once.

Mac had been feeling sick for the last several days. After much persuasion, he'd finally convinced her to go see a doctor. He was worried it was more than just the flu. Turns out, he was right. She was pregnant. He'd never forget the joy in Mac's eyes or the tears that followed. It was all their dreams come true.

Title: Jealousy
Author: digitaldesigner
Beta: hazel_eyes_86
Word Count: 109
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Deathly Hallows
Pairing/Characters: Ron/Hermione
Summary: Ron is jealous.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to J. K. Rowling. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for fandomverse.

Hermione watched as her husband pouted, jealous that some man on the street had been checking her out. What he was so jealous of, she didn't know. She was quite happy with the man she married.

"What's wrong?" she finally asked.

"Nothing," Ron told her, still pouting.

She shook her head in exasperation. "Ron, you've never been a good liar. Don't start now."

He sighed. "That wizard was undressing you with his eyes!"

"Maybe," she acknowledged, "but the only wizard who gets the real thing is the one I fell in love so many years ago and still makes my heart skip a beat. I love you, Ronald Weasley."

Title: Best Laid Plans
Author: digitaldesigner
Beta: hazel_eyes_86
Word Count: 110
Rating: PG
Spoilers: A spoiler-free zone.
Pairing/Characters: Castle/Beckett
Summary: She had plans for a relaxing evening.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to Andrew Marlowe. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for fandomverse.

It had been a long day. All she wanted to do was go home to the leftover lasagna from last night and the chocolate ice cream she had for dessert. She wanted a bubble bath and a good book. She wanted to turn off her phone and ignore the world for a few hours.

As she grabbed her jacket, she saw Castle and knew those plans were about to be ruined. Whatever he wanted, he was going to owe her. Big time.

"What's up, Castle?" she asked, forcing a smile.

He simply handed her a small velvet box and waited.

And in that moment, she forgot all about her plans.

Title: Kid At Heart
Author: digitaldesigner
Beta: hazel_eyes_86
Word Count: 109
Rating: PG
Spoilers: A spoiler-free zone.
Pairing/Characters: Angel/Cordelia
Summary: Halloween at the Hyperion.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to Joss Whedon and David Greenwalt. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for fandomverse.

Cordy shook her head, amused. Angel hated almost every major holiday. Except one. Halloween. Was it because he didn't have to hide the vampire side of himself or was it because it was the one night he could act like the kid he was at heart? She suspected it was a little bit of both.

She looked around the hotel. He'd gone all out this year. The lobby resembled a graveyard. Fake skeletons, coffins, even ghosts hanging from the ceiling.

He opened the door, scaring the first group of kids. He'd donned a black cape to complete his vampire look. She laughed. He really was a kid at heart.

Title: Reflections
Author: digitaldesigner
Beta: hazel_eyes_86
Word Count: 110
Rating: PG
Spoilers: A spoiler-free zone.
Pairing/Characters: Morgan/Emily
Summary: Emily reflected o her life.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to Jeff Davis. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for fandomverse.

Emily sat on her patio, a glass of wine nearby. She took a sip as she watched the sun set on the day, reflecting on her life. She had friends who would do anything for her, a boyfriend who adored her and a job she loved. Life was good.

"What are you doing out here all alone?" Derek Morgan asked, smiling.

"Just thinking," she said, returning his smile.

"About what?"

"You, our friends, how happy you make me."

"Not nearly as happy as you make me," he told her softly.

"Want to wager a bet?"

"I have a better idea."


"This," he told her, brushing his lips across hers.

Title: Remembering Love
Author: digitaldesigner
Beta: hazel_eyes_86
Word Count: 110
Rating: PG
Spoilers: A spoiler-free zone.
Pairing/Characters: Mulder/Scully
Summary: Scully remembers.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to CC. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for fandomverse.

As Scully thumbed through the photo album, her mind went back in time. Life as a young married couple, working and loving side-by-side. Then Sarah came along, followed by Elizabeth and finally Leo, their baby. Life had been so good for awhile.

Until Sarah was diagnosed with cancer when she was ten. She fought the disease with courage and dignity, but at fifteen, it claimed her life. Sarah had been daddy's little girl from the moment she was born. Losing her almost killed Mulder, but they eventually moved on, learned to laugh again. Five years ago, Mulder joined Sarah in heaven.

A tear fell. She missed them still.

Title: Red Rose
Author: digitaldesigner
Beta: hazel_eyes_86
Word Count: 108
Rating: PG
Spoilers: A spoiler-free zone.
Pairing/Characters: Harm/Mac
Summary: She received a red rose every day.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to Donald P. Bellisario. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for fandomverse.

For two months, she'd gotten a single red rose each day. The accompanying card would always tell her something her secret admirer loved about her. He was clearly trying to win her affections. And it was working.

By five o'clock, her rose still hadn't arrived. She hadn't realized how much she looked forward to them until now. They made her feel special, loved. Like the way her secret admirer saw her. She hoped he was okay.

As she got ready to leave for the day, she looked up to find Harm standing at her doorway, a soft smile on his face. He was holding a single red rose.

fandom: legend of the seeker, fandom: castle, author: aimee, fandom: the x-files, fandom: harry potter, fandom: angel, fandom: criminal minds, fandom: jag, type: drabble, rating: pg

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