Girls' Night Out

Sep 30, 2011 03:18

Title: Girls' Night Out
Author: digitaldesigner
Beta: hazel_eyes_86
Word Count: 1005
Rating: PG
Spoilers: 100
Pairing: Garcia/JJ/Emily friendship
Summary: JJ was bored.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to Jeff Davis. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for crimeland's big bang.

JJ was bored. She'd tried half a dozen times to concentrate on the files in front of her to no avail. She needed to figure out where the team was going next, but her mind refused to cooperate. She sighed and stood up. Maybe a change of scenery would help.

Garcia's fingers were flying over her keyboard like usual when she heard a knock on her door. When she turned around, JJ stood there. "Come in, have a seat," she said, motioning her friend to a nearby chair. "What's up?"

JJ sighed. "I can't concentrate."

Garcia laughed. "It happens, JJ."

"I know, but I need to figure out our next case and I can't keep my mind on it. I keep thinking about Henry, the movie I saw last night, plans Will and I have for this weekend, even what I need to buy at the grocery store, but not what I need to be doing."

Garcia knew just what she needed. She stood up, grabbed her purse and coat. "Go get your purse, find Emily and meet me by the front door in ten minutes."


"Don't ask questions. Just go," Garcia told her, pushing her gently towards the door.

Ten minutes later, JJ and Emily found Garcia waiting for them. "Garcia, where are we going?" Emily asked. "JJ said you wouldn't tell her anything."

"You'll see. Come on."

"Does Hotch know we're leaving?" Emily asked as they headed out into the parking lot, the sun shining brightly.

"Yes. I cleared it with him," Garcia told them. "He said we deserved a little fun in our lives, that not everything was about work."

"He seems willing to bend the rules a little bit more from time to time than he used to," Emily commented.

"It was losing Haley," JJ observed sadly.

"Okay, no sad thoughts today," Garcia told them, unlocking the door to her car and slipping inside.

"Buckle up, ladies. Fun awaits," she said, starting the engine.


Twenty minutes later, they pulled up in front of their favorite comedy club. "Guess who's here today?" Garcia asked, referring to their favorite comedian.

"He's not!" Emily exclaimed. "I thought he wasn't in town until next month."

"Oh, how misinformed you are, my friend. "Not only is he in town--and to a sold-out show, I'm told, but we have tickets."

"How is that possible?" JJ asked.

"I have my ways,"Garcia told them with a smile as they got out of the car.

"I love you, Penelope Garcia," Emily laughed.

"Yeah, get in line," Garcia told them, which made them all laugh.


Inside, they found a table and got their drinks while they waited for the show to begin. "Here's to friends, laughter and a boss willing to bend the rules occasionally," Emily said, raising her glass in a toast.

"Amen," JJ said. "And the best cure for boredom I can think of," she laughed.

"Wait till Morgan finds out what we did," Garcia said.

"He's gonna be so jealous," Emily said. The others nodded their heads in agreement.


When they came out of the club later that night, their faces hurt from laughing so much. "You guys wanna grab some dinner?" Garcia asked.

"Just let me call Will first," JJ said, pulling out her phone and hitting the first speed dial. Emily and Garcia walked around the corner to give her a bit of privacy. When she joined them a few minutes later, she had a soft little smile on her face.

"What are you smiling about?" Garcia asked. "Did Will say something?"

"Yeah. He said to have fun and not to worry about anything, that I deserved a girl's night out."

"That's so sweet," Emily said. "Now that's a man who understands the importance of a woman's need for friends of her own."

"He does. He's always telling me I don't get to hang out with you guys in a non-work way often enough."

"He's right. We need to do this more often," Emily said. "In fact, I think we should do this at least once a month."

"I like that plan," Garcia said. JJ agreed.

"So where to for dinner?" JJ asked, looking from Garcia to Emily.

"What about that new Mexican place that just opened up?" Garcia suggested.

"I've been wanting to try that," Emily told them.

"Sounds good to me, too," JJ said as they walked to the car and got inside.


At the restaurant, they decided to order several different things and share.

"Oh my God, you guys, try this," JJ told them, indicating the chicken and rice nacho platter.

"Wow, that may be the best nachos I've ever had," Emily said, reaching for more.

"Here, try this," Garcia said, pointing to another plate.

"Do you think we should have called the others to join us for dinner?" JJ asked, reaching for another nacho.

They looked at each other. "Nah," they said in unison, laughing.

"How long do you give it before one of them asks what we did when we left today?" JJ asked.

"Ten minutes," Emily said.

"Five. There's no way Morgan will be able to help himself," Garcia said, taking a sip of her drink.

"He'll be able to resist," JJ smirked. "For two minutes."


When they left the restaurant two hours later, none of them could remember a more fun-filled evening. "I'm so glad tomorrow is Saturday," Emily said as Garcia pulled out into the heavy Friday night traffic. "Please let no new cases pop up until Monday morning and preferably not until after 8."

"God yes," JJ agreed vehemently.

Garcia pulled into the parking lot at Quantico. "Thanks, Garcia," JJ told her before she stepped out of the car. "I needed tonight."

"Anytime," she told her before she walked away. She waited for her friends to get into their cars before driving off herself, which she did with a smile on her face. Unbeknownst to her, Emily and JJ did the same, each thankful for having such amazing women as friends.

author: aimee, fandom: criminal minds, type: stand-alone, rating: pg

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