Title: Nyquil and Honeybuns
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 1,711
Warnings: sick!Dean,worried!Sam, almost-suffocation because Dean is a stubborn bastard, and utter schmoop? Oh, and tense changes that probably make no sense, but I suck like that sometimes -.-
Summary: Written for the Dean-focused h/c tags challenge. Chosen prompt is: common
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Awwwwwwwwwwwww those guys are two stubborn assholes, but i love them!
The end was so sweet, i don't even know what Honeybuns are, but now i want them too!
I like stories where the guys are back to caring about each other, and taking care of each other, instead of the lying and anger and all the things they keep saying that they can never unsay...
Schmoop is it's own form of comfort, isn't it? :) Thanks for sharing this!
Yeah, I have a major soft spot for the boys having those moments where they're just our boys and there isn't any lying and lack of trust and anger. I miss those times a lot :(
Schmoop is it's own comfort, one of the best (aside from the honeybuns of course) :) Thank you for such a lovely comment!
Ok, i think i ate something similar....but there was no "icing" (i'm not sure if it's the right translation), and i think it was made in a different way 'cause it didn't taste so good.
But the ones in the picture look delicious, so i understand why Sammy love it so much.
Ghghghg, i'm not sure if i can't find it in Italy, but i'll try!
*squeeze you*
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