Supernatural fic - Make Me - 1/1

Feb 05, 2010 01:45

Okay, just so you all know... I have NO idea where this came from. I was working on something for my job and I finished it and suddenly I had to write THIS. It's AU, but it really doesn't play much of a part. It's an AU idea I toyed with, but instead of doing that I just threw it in as background. You'll see inside. This is Sam/Dean but it's not wincest. Before you freak out, just read the notes within. :)

Title: Make Me
Author: ficlover
Rating: Is it R for the smutty stuff? It's been a long time....
Pairing: Sam/Dean (Sam's the top)
A/N: One of my friends told me she hates when a male character is feminized in fanfiction because they're a bottom. I do that a lot and don't really care, but I thought maybe I'd try one with two strong male characters who stay strong male characters throughout the sexing. So here is what I came up with.
Backstory: I'm using the history of an AU I wanted to write and never did. Basically John and Mary only had one son, Dean. Ellen and her husband had two children: Sam and Jo. Everyone is dead for the purposes of this story except for Sam and Dean. Honestly, no storyline comes into play here. It's just sex. Enjoy it and let me know what you think. I started this story about 40 minutes ago and it's already over so you can see why it might not be the greatest. Any typos you see, just let me know and I'll fix 'em up. Thanks!

"Don't make me ask you again, Dean..."

Dean turned away, not willing to give Sam the satisfaction. Ever since they'd given in to this wickedness surrounding them, everything had gotten muddled, but he'd be damned if he ever submitted without a fight.

"Dammit, Dean...." Sam's mouth came down hard on Dean's as both men struggled for control of the kiss.

Dean felt Sam's grip on his arms loosen and Dean carefully maneuvered them down from above his head to wrap around Sam's shoulders, pulling the younger man closer.

Dean turned them then, pulling Sam underneath him as he devoured his mouth. Dean's tongue plunged into Sam's mouth, dueling with the soft muscle he found there. As Sam moaned, sensation shot straight to Dean's crotch and he began to grind against Sam as he nipped at Sam's lips, which were pulling into a grin.

Sam pushed Dean so that he flipped and his head was at the foot of the bed. Sam straddled Dean once more and wrapped his large hand around Dean's wrists. He pulled Dean's arms over his head with one hand while the other reached between them to explore Dean's hard length.
Dean arched back and groaned wantonly.

"Yeah, that's why I always win, Dean. You can't stay coherent once I touch you. Tell me, Dean..."

"You said you wouldn't ask..."

"I'm not asking. I'm demanding...."

Dean wasn't quite ready to admit defeat, but his brain was quickly being drained of blood in favor of his smaller and much wiser brain.

"I want you, Sammy. God help me... I want you. Please, Sammy..."

"No, Dean... not until you say it...."

Dean cringed and then gasped as Sam's hand started undoing the button of Dean's jeans. "Okay, okay... just... please.

The sound of Dean's zipper coming down tooth by tooth was deafening, accompanying the panting of both men.

Sam rolled his eyes. Ever since his parents died on that hunt with Dean's dad, Dean had taken to caring for Sam as if the other boy belonged to him or was his pet project. Finally, when Dean's dad had died in a failed attempt to save Sam's little sister and it was just the two of them, Sam had begun to make his move. But Dean was always so closed off and it took some serious torture and almost two years to get him to let loose and be comfortable with emotional intimacy.

"Dean... begging never works with me. You know that."

Sam reached into Dean's boxer briefs and swiped a thumb over the head of Dean's weeping penis.

"Christ!" Dean began wriggling only to get more of the feeling Sam was giving out in short pleasurable bursts.

"Not until you say it...."


Sam smiled at the hitched breath. Dean never would let go without tormenting himself for as long as possible. He wasn't sure if Dean was more of a masochist than Sam was a sadist, but either way it made for great sex.

"I love you, Sam. I love you."

Sam let go of Dean's wrists, removed his other hand from its delightful spot in Dean's pants and planted a kiss on his forehead. "I love you, too."

He grabbed the collar of Dean's t-shirt. "Sammy, I just bought..."

The ripping sound was loud as Sam pulled it down the center. He was always happy when Dean was forced to shop cheaply and he didn't have to wait to pull garments over Dean's head. He leaned down again and flicked one perky nipple until it was rock hard and then started in on the other one.

Dean, although free of Sam's grasp, left his arms where they were and reached up to grip the bars of the foot board. Sam sat up and his eyes clouded with lust at the sight. "That's it, Dean... just give in to it..."

He ran his hands down Dean's side. "Open your eyes, Dean."

Sam realized that might have been a mistake. Looking into Dean's eyes when he was fully aroused generally made him want to end this way too soon. He felt a growl deep down in his chest as he tried to calm down. Dean was his. It was moments like this that made him forget anything except his desire to possess the man he loved.

He began pushing down to allow Dean to begin grinding against him again. As he felt himself giving into the sensation, his hair was suddenly yanked, which stalled the early release he was heading toward.

Sam looked at Dean, whose eyes were fierce and passionate. "Not yet, Sammy..." He used his hold on Sam's hair to pull him down into a searing kiss. "You don't get to finish until you're inside of me. You hear me?" He hissed the words against Sam's lips between moments of biting down on them and sucking them into his mouth.

He released his lover and Sam stood up next to the bed and pulled the shirt over his head. While he did that, Dean had shoved his own jeans and boxer briefs down past his hips and began fisting his hard length while watching Sam undress.

"Fuck, Dean... you look so..."

"Yeah yeah... just... God, Sam... I need it. I need you to make this so much better...."

Sam pushed his jeans and boxers down and kicked them off. He grabbed the small tube of oil from his jeans pocket and yanked Dean's jeans off of him completely before settling between Dean's thighs. "Just a minute..."

"Make it quick...."

Sam covered himself with the oil and then moved his fingers to Dean's puckered opening.

Dean practically jumped off the bed. "Fuck it... you've got enough. You're going to put me through the fucking ceiling right now if you try that..."

Sam took a deep breath. They'd been sexually active for a few months, but had only fucked once or twice. Each time felt more momentous than the last for Sam. Each time he thought he was only working out this need he had for Dean, but each time he came away wanting the other man more than the last time.

"Okay, just relax..."

"Don't treat me like a girl, Sam. I want it hard and fast... now, Sam...."

Sam leaned forward, placing his weight on one arm, while using the other one to hook under one of Dean's knees. "Just remember you asked for it..."

Sam thrust forward gently a few times until he was lined up properly and then pushed hard. He felt Dean tense for a moment, but he knew it wouldn't do either of them any good to hold back now.

Sam grunted as he continued to push forward and Dean responded by fisting himself harder to counteract any pain with pleasure. As Dean threw his head back in lust, Sam knew pleasure must have won out.

Once he was fully sheathed within his lover, he started moving in a rhythm they both seemed comfortable with from the beginning.

"Fuck, Sammy... you feel so fucking good... faster...."

Sam obeyed, no longer sure who was dominant in this game of theirs as he found himself unraveling as his focus centered on the feeling of being encased within Dean's heat.

There was a point where Sam no longer had full control over his movements. The dance was older than the most ancient beast they'd fought and both began to push and thrust in time with each other as they gave in completely to the feelings.

As the pressure pooled in the small of Sam's back, the feral growl began again. Sam hadn't realized he'd closed his eyes, but he opened them as the warmth surrounding him clamped down. As Dean's release flooded between them, Sam cried out and moved once more before climaxing.

Dean's arms flopped to his sides while the one leg Sam wasn't holding onto pressed against Sam's side. Sam sat back on his heels and rubbed Dean's trembling legs. Sam was trembling, too, and the blood rushing back to their extremities always brought that warm feeling comparable to a really good high.

Dean let out what could be called a whimper when Sam pulled out of him. Of course, Dean would kick the ass of anyone who said he whimpered, so Sam enjoyed listening to it, but never mentioned it.

He picked up the towel from the bedside table where he'd dropped it before they had started their delightful playtime and rubbed the evidence of their lovemaking from Dean's stomach.

He tossed it into the hamper for the maids to find and walked on wobbly legs to the bathroom. "Shower?"

Dean smiled and carefully made his own legs work to get him up from the bed. "Seconds?"

Sam grinned. "Oh hell yeah.... just don't forget to say it again..."

Dean came over, letting the tatters of his shirt fall off and took Sam's hand. "You first..."

Sam laughed. "Alright, just this once, Dean... I love you. Your turn..."

Dean shoved Sam and walked into the bathroom. "Make me..."

Sam rolled his eyes as the game began again and followed his lover. "My pleasure..."


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