I know you've all seen these before, but I made a post over at
boy_touching that is now full of broken picture links because I am dumb and deleted them all off the server *facepalm*. So now I am reposting the spam here. Can't deprive the people of their J2!!! :DD
Not too slashy, I just love the look Jared is giving the camera, all "BACK OFF, HE'S MINE."
This is actually a promotional shot, not a manip. THEY ARE REALLY STANDING THAT CLOSE TOGETHER.
Now come vids...
Crash Pretty amazing video that features, wait for it, Sam and Dean KISSING.
Click to view
Jensen and Jared are In Love Fan-written song set to a vid. Reallyyyy funny, and features singing!Dean
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Supernatural S2 Gag Reel I felt I should include this, since we get lots of fun Jared/Jensen time, and even a bit of boytouching (butt slap!)
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Jensen/Jared Strange Relationship Just a fun fan-made vid with clips set to a song. I wan't planning on including this, but the audio from Supernatural in the beginning-during which Dean questions why everyone always thinks they're gay-was too funny to leave out.
Click to view
Alright, so I think that's all the original photos, maybe? Plus a few more... :)