HOW DID I -- LORIMUS. I LOVE YOU. akjshdlfkajsdfhalskjdfh I am keeping this forever and ever and ever and omg we have such wonky boobs! and your ron/lori harry/elle hair!!!!!
I have no words but I am so sorry I didn't see this earlier. at the same time I'm glad I got to see this now because I feel like I can appreciate it more now during a time I really needed it and oh man, I'm getting all emo. and now I'm thinking about a bitching Hermione going on about how she's not emo and aw gosh. goshgoshgosh.
Comments 2
HOW DID I -- LORIMUS. I LOVE YOU. akjshdlfkajsdfhalskjdfh I am keeping this forever and ever and ever and omg we have such wonky boobs! and your ron/lori harry/elle hair!!!!!
I have no words but I am so sorry I didn't see this earlier. at the same time I'm glad I got to see this now because I feel like I can appreciate it more now during a time I really needed it and oh man, I'm getting all emo. and now I'm thinking about a bitching Hermione going on about how she's not emo and aw gosh. goshgoshgosh.
♥ ♥ ♥
This is a list of names that are real:
**Name** **Pronunciation**
Terquavious Tur-quay-vee-us
Jordanceous Jor-day-shus
Al-duntray Al-dun-tray
Na-torriocqie Na-tor-ree-ock-kee
Altavious Al-tay-vee-us
Montravious Mon-tray-vee-us
Tortavious Tor-tay-vee-us
Demetreious Da-mee-tree-us
LeQuincey La-kwin-see
Ke-Torrey Key-tor-ree
Demarkeo Da-mark-ee-o
Latreyvious La-tray-vee-us
Firstina Fur-stee-na
Quintavious Kwin-tay-vee-us
Jabbarieous Juh-bar-ree-us
Kenzivian Ken-zee-vee-an
Kenyondricas Ken-yawn-dree-kus
San-Jarvious San-jar-vus
Timanthony Tim-anthony
Ambernisha Amber-nee-sha
Cartavious Kar-tay-vee-us
Cadarious Kuh-dare-ree-us
Markcus -spelling alone
Quindars Kwin-dars
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