Prophecy registration modifying hurts my feelings. I tried to change my dietary whatevers to vegetarian (I'm not vegetarian in the least, but in light of the other food choices given I'd say it's the best move) aaaand then it told me I hadn't made any changes to it? So I don't know. But I swear, if I have to eat a beet sandwich or anything similar I am going to expecto patronum that shit.
So, I think I have discovered that a person I knew (or thought I knew!!) from high school is a SLASHER. afkgjhdfgkl I can't even-- how did I miss this? I was in fandom for most of the time I was in school there and throughout my few years I thought I knew only one other person who was into fandom/slash. (Actually a funny story how I found out -- I was in charge of running our school's GSA's LiveJournal comm, and subtly made references to The Shoebox Project in my posts. One girl caught on and freaked out that I even knew what it was, and we squeed for a good long moment.) BUT! This other girl, let's call her 'Anna' for the sake of my story, sent me a message a few days ago on Facebook. It was just something about the book release, my plans, etcetera and so forth. So I check out Anna's Facebook page and find a link to a DeviantArt account. Being the stalker that I am, I checked it out only to find (among other things) a rather telling picture of shirtless Remus/Sirius snogging in the Room of Requirement.
It didn't take a genius, so I flipped out a little and texted
irrevokable and then annihilated
my_fading_voice with the knowledge and then... um. Well not much else actually but I made tentative plans with Anna to meet up at the big party in Harvard
Hogwarts Square this Friday. It should be pretty awesome, I'm going as Bellatrix and Anna said she was a toss-up between Remus and Lucius. Lucius got my vote, clearly.
Another little RL story for this impromptu storytime is one where we can all get out our
Awkward Turtle. The other night I was over a friend's house with a few other people, doing nothing important but watching the Sox game and having a couple to drink. One of my friends from high school who I hadn't seen in months was there, and she decided that what we all needed was a Walk Down Memory Lane.
I hope someone noticed the ominous way I capitalized those letters there. Anyway, so she's Walking and we're pretending to listen, until she comes up with: "Oh my GOD, Lori, do you remember that time we were in science class and you explained to me what RIMMING is?? Do you remember? The whole class went silent!!"
As, of course, did our whole little gathered group there. One of the guys did a typical "what the fuck?!" and one of the girls just started laughing, but another guy said: "You didn't know what a rimjob was? It's just another term for a blowjob!"
Oh. Ohhhh no. Oh no no no no. My slasher instincts kicked in on overdrive apparently, because I went off on him for EVER confusing the two for one another. Unfortunately then Memory Lane Girl piped in again with: "Yeah, don't even fight with Lori about random sexual acts. She also told me about preparing for ana--"
Poor girl didn't get to finished because WTF guy started wtfing all over the place and generally giving everyone a headache. But I had a captivated audience in I-Think-A-Rimjob-Is-A-Blowjob Boy, so I told him what I knew.
Afterwards, there was an awkward silence that would need a giant freaking tortoise to fill it, because no Awkward Turtle could cover it. Finally WTF Boy stepped in and said, "Lori, I'm not even going to ask how you know all this shit. Either A.) you get really, really bored and read about all this random shit or... well I don't think I want to know what B.) is."
Looking back, I'm torn between summing it up with an LMAO or a I Will Never Open My Mouth Again Ever. It's all slash's fault!! D:
And because once I get going I can't seem to stop -- DEATHLY HALLOWS. I want to cry when I think of how close it is to the end of the ENTIRE SERIES. Ten years of my life I've been obsessed with this book, the last four to the point where it CONSUMES EVERYTHING. And now it's almost done, and I want it so badly and yet I dread it coming. I don't know what I'll do with myself, but I have a feeling I will be relying quite heavily on Fandom. Oh, Fandom. ♥