Title: Scary Movies
Fandom: Lovless
Character/s: Soubi/Ritsuka
Prompt: 062: Aliens
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Notes: Ahaha, there's nothing cuter than watching kids watch scary films.
Ritsuka's rapid breathing filled the dark room as his hand unconsciously squeezed Soubi's tighter, his teeth digging into his lower lip. He had to suppress a laugh. “We can turn the movie off if you want.” The frightened boy glanced at him quickly and then looked resolutely back at the screen, taking his hand away. “No, it's fine.” Suddenly, the alien burst from the screaming woman's ribcage while Ritsuka shrieked and flung himself on a laughing Soubi, burying his face in his chest. He presses a kiss to his hair, chuckling. “Are you sure you're still fine?”
It's okay, that movie scared the shit out of a lot of people.