Title: Second Letter
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh GX
Characters: Yuuki Juudai x Johan Andersen
Prompt: 78, letter
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Comments and criticism gratefully accepted.
Prompt Table:
http://cynthia-harrell.livejournal.com/242852.html Juudai fished around in one of the pockets of his bag. He knew that he had something edible packed in there. Paper crinkled under his fingers unexpectedly. He hadn’t put anything in there, had he?
A simple scrap of paper met his gaze, and on it were carefully drawn kanji, obviously by an inexpert hand, but still readable.
See you soon, Juudai. Watch out for yourself. Call me if you can. His heart warmed at the name, and number, written underneath. Johan.
He glanced at Pharaoh as the cat cleaned himself. “Why didn’t you tell me about this one sooner?”
The End