Title: Late Again
Fandom: RPS
Character/s: Craig Parker/David Wenham
Prompt: 027. Naked
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
MartonsmistressA/N: Written for
ficlets100He was going to get fired, and when that happened, by the Gods, he was going to rant and rave at Craig for hours.
Peter was talking to Sean as David slunk onto the set, but made a beeline for him at once.
A moment later, Peter was standing before him. “Again?”
“It was Craig’s fault…”
Peter sighed. “He was cooking naked again?”
“You’re forgiven.”
David’s shoulder sagged in relief. “I tried to make him put some clothes on, but…”
“Have you lost your mind?”
“Then…I’m not fired?”
Peter looked shocked. “Fired? Hell, I’m joining you for breakfast tomorrow!”