They just keep surprising me...

May 17, 2010 09:58

From eliminating LBJ and the Cavs, to taking the first game of this ECF series. You boys just keep doing what you're doing, playing Celtics basketball, playing *together*.

Kendrick Perkins is a beast and I'm just hoping he manages to get some rest for that knee soon. It's having a terrible effect on his offense. His defense, however, is awesome. He and 'Sheed kept DHoward to 13 points, that's some damn fine work. Tony Allen keeps showing these glimmers of amazing play. So different from the guy I was yelling to have traded a year ago. 'Sheed is hitting his stride, KG is working it like he used to, pre-knee surgery. And Paulie. Oh my boy, Paulie. *draws hearts around him* He and RayRay will be what gets us through here, and I'm SO GLAD he's finally playing like the PP I know and adore.

Okay, okay. Enough blathering. I gotta work! ....or something.

celtics, ecf 10

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