
Nov 24, 2009 08:09

Finally got the Livejournal app. Just testing to make sure it works.

Posted via LiveJournal.app.

via ljapp

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erilyn December 1 2009, 10:43:39 UTC
There was a (badly organised) fanclub presale for BSB's NZ concert today, and it got me thinking about Australian shows (assuming they happen), cause I'm not even a current member at the fanclub.

Are you thinking about the Sydney show, or multiple shows? I'm definitely gonna do Sydney, and maybe Melbourne (depending on timing etc). Just pondering if we might want to share ticket buying duties :)


fickwalker December 1 2009, 11:17:38 UTC
Ooh yes, definitely a good idea to start getting organized. Will respond properly from worktomorrow morning. Am on the iPhone now. :)


fickwalker December 1 2009, 11:18:51 UTC
And yes, we'd defi ity be contemplating both Sydney and Melbourne shows.


fickwalker December 2 2009, 02:11:53 UTC
Okay, now that I can respond properly...

We're not current FC members either. TBH, I completely forgot about renewing my membership. I guess I should get my act together and renew that sometime soon. We are totally up for sharing ticket buying duties. We just need some dates and figure out who's going where. :)


Dates now confirmed! erilyn December 2 2009, 10:55:13 UTC
The news is Melbourne on Friday 5th March, with Brisbane on Monday 8th (no mention of Sydney yet, but presumably on the Saturday or Sunday night - at Syd Ent Centre it seems).

I'm leaning towards Sydney + Melbourne...indybrat is keen to go too, not sure if she'll come up to Sydney as well.


Re: Dates now confirmed! fickwalker December 2 2009, 19:31:55 UTC
Awesome! I'll do an email around and see if anyone else is interested from my side. Will also try to organize an FC membership. About to head into work. If you're around today drop me a line on fickwalker at gmail dot com. :) Exciting!


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