
Jul 14, 2009 15:43

Just dropping in to say hello and assure various peeps that I've not dropped off the face of the earth. Most of my time is taken up with working, sleeping and running around after the mum-to-be ( Read more... )

babies, life, booooooooooooring

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Comments 6

mel_b_angel July 14 2009, 06:38:05 UTC
DUDE. I was SO about to ask for a moonwalk when I got home. Don't be toyin' with my emotions so!



fickwalker July 14 2009, 23:03:36 UTC
Sorry dearie! I am gonna try to learn HOW to do it though. We'll see how that goes! lol.


soul4poetry July 14 2009, 10:15:18 UTC
the itching may be normal..but she may want to keep a lookout for PUPPS.. quite common

Working in a midwife's office has advantages!


fickwalker July 14 2009, 23:09:12 UTC
Oooh, thankies for the information hun! :) I had read about PUPPS previously, but she doesn't have any bumps or itchy spots. She's just itchy all over, it's driving her crazy. We have a doctors appointment today, so hopefully the doc can figure something out. :)


goneplatinum July 14 2009, 17:03:12 UTC
YAY for baby!!

I need to know, how in the world did you become a fan of the Boston Celtics??


fickwalker July 14 2009, 23:24:37 UTC
Yay indeed. :)

My girlfriend is a big Boston Celtics fan, has been since she was a little kid. I used to be a Bulls fan, but that was a long time ago. Over the last couple of seasons, I've really fallen in love with the Celts. Especially Paul Pierce. They're such a gutsy team and I love how they play. :)


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