Runaways: Untitled

Apr 03, 2007 16:34

Title: Untitled
Characters/Pairings: Chase, Alex
Rating: Tentative R for mindfuckery, masturbation and violence
Warnings: ...aforementioned mindfuckery, masturbation and violence, also voyeurism
Spoiler alert: Volume 1 of Runaways
Summary: Alex watches Chase sleep and muses on the nature of obsession.

Alex watches Chase sleep sometimes.

Chase isn't as pretty as Nico is, but comparing them is like comparing an uncut diamond and a beautiful dress. Chase is hard and rough and defensive, and Nico is soft and beautiful and somehow delicate, for all her bravado. Bravado that Chase shares, one of admittedly few things they have in common. Another is the fascination they engender in Alex.

He watches Nico sleep when he's in the mood to watch a girl, in the mood to see Nico's soft curves and delicate hands curling limply in the sheets. Chase's hair is long enough for a girl, but Alex watches Chase to see the long, lean lines of Chase's body, the hard musculature, the vulnerability that the older boy wouldn't dare show during the day.

Chase has nightmares sometimes, and Alex sits and watches his fingers twist in the sheets, watches the flinches and the way Chase bites his lip in the midst of his nightmares, listens to the quiet moans. Chase is vulnerable like this, more so than when Alex is simply watching him sleep, and there is something about it that appeals to Alex, more than the thought of Nico being this vulnerable appeals to him. Nico is small and pretty and delicate, and he knows that in a direct fight he could take her on easily; Chase is another matter. Chase's tumultuous life has given him an edge that Alex, loath as he is to admit it, lacks.

Seeing Chase vulnerable is a rush, better than endorphins, and it's not until the third or fourth time that he watches Chase in the throes of a nightmare, head tossing and hands fisting in the sheets and low, almost silent whimpers escaping his lips, that Alex realises he's getting hard.

It's not until the sixth time that he decides to do something about it.

Stealing Nico's Staff is easy; drugs in the cocoa he takes her knock her out for the night, and it's a simple matter of nicking the back of her neck, where she likely won't notice it, and taking the Staff as it emerges from her chest. The others are all dead to the world this late, not even the velociraptor awake to sense something wrong and catch him out. Chase's door locks from the inside, but Alex can take care of that easily, and he slips into the room, locking the door behind him.

Chase is having another nightmare again, it would seem. Alex stands at the door for a moment, watching the seventeen-year-old bite his lip and curl his hands into fists in the sheets, and then he lifts the Staff and says quietly, "Sleep."

It wouldn't do, just now, for Chase to wake.

Ensuring that Chase remains asleep doesn't do anything about the nightmare, if anything seems to make it a little worse, now that the escape of consciousness is gone. Alex crosses the room to sit on the bed beside Chase, absently sliding his hand through sweat-stiffened blonde hair. It's a shame, he thinks, that he can't see Chase's eyes like this, because he always has liked to see reactions. His parents' reactions, after all, are a part - albeit a small part - of why he bothered to run away in the first place.

This is vulnerable, but not quite enough. Alex lifts the Staff again, resting the end on Chase's chest, and murmurs, "Bind."

Silk scarves, and he wonders if Nico knows that her Staff has a kinky side. Kinky or not, silk scarves do the job of tying Chase's wrists to the headboard quite well, and Alex gives the Staff a cautious pat before setting it aside and stretching out on the bed beside Chase.

Even asleep, Chase tenses against the bonds, and Alex runs a hand up his arm, over the tight muscles, skating over the softer skin on the inside of Chase's forearm. Chase moans softly, flinching, and Alex idly wonders what the blonde boy could be dreaming about.

He remembers a conversation in the back of a white van, speeding away from Karolina's house. He, Chase, Gertrude and Old Lace in the back, Karolina and Nico - sweet, pretty, flighty Nico - in the front.

"I don't know what you remember, Chase, but your father assaulted you."

"Yeah, what else is new? I probably had it coming."

"Well," Alex murmurs, propping himself up on one elbow and gazing at Chase meditatively. "Well, well, well."

He doesn't really like Victor Stein, after working this out, but not because of any particular affection towards Chase. Parents who hit their kids are among the lowest of the low, that's all, whether said kid is a twelve-year-old ingenue like Molly or a seventeen-year-old annoying brat like Chase.

Still, it does explain the nightmares, and it gives Alex some interesting ideas.

He leans over and takes Chase's chin in his hand, forcing the blonde to turn his head to face him. Chase is still asleep - the Staff is seeing to that - and it would appear that Alex's motions are echoed in Chase's nightmare. He's biting his lip again, hands clenching into fists, and Alex smiles. Chase is very pretty when he's vulnerable. He'll have to remember that.

Almost absently, he strokes the side of Chase's face, then slaps him. He only gets a sharp exhalation as Chase's head snaps around with the force of the blow, but that's all right - he's got several hours before he'll have to take the Staff back to Nico. He doesn't particularly want Chase to scream, because screaming might wake Karolina or Gertrude or Molly, or the bloody raptor, but he does want more than this.

He hits Chase again, still open-handed because that'll hurt now, but shouldn't leave a mark or pain that'll show once Chase wakes up. Again, all he gets is a sharp exhalation, maybe the softest grunt, but Chase's hands are tightening around the scarves tying his wrists, knuckles white, and he's trembling ever so slightly.

It's enough for now. Alex gently strokes the cheek he's been hitting, and that seems to be worse than the blows themselves, because Chase pulls away with a low snarl. Alex frowns; Chase fighting back is not what he had in mind for tonight. Gentleness, it seems, is not advisable.

A slow smile curves his lips; he's more than okay with losing the gentleness.

Another slap, this one harder, and Alex's smile widens as Chase lets out a soft whimper, muffled almost immediately by his teeth at his lip. A moment passes, and then Chase whispers, "you hit like a girl."

Bravado. Just like Nico. Alex smiles fondly and runs a hand up into Chase's hair, twisting his fingers through the blonde locks and pulling Chase up from the mattress, bending his shoulders back at an angle that draws a strangled whimper from Chase as Alex whispers in his ear, "and you cry like one."

Chase's expression twists, anger and hurt chasing each other across his face, and Alex is torn between twin desires to laugh and to kiss him. He settles for neither, letting Chase drop back against the mattress and slapping him again, settling beside the older boy and almost absently reaching down to begin stroking himself. Chase snarls again, swearing, and Alex retaliates with another slap, twisting a handful of Chase's hair around his fist and slamming Chase's head back into the pillow; nothing damaging, nothing he'll feel in the morning, but certainly bad enough when translated through into his nightmare.

"Fuck you," he snarls finally, and Alex gives in to the urge to laugh.

"Not on the agenda tonight," he says quietly, and wraps his free hand around Chase's throat, thumb and middle finger at the hinges of his jaw, pressing down. Chase struggles against him, fighting the bonds harder this time, but Alex just chuckles and presses down harder. One of the scarves snaps, and Chase scrabbles at Alex's wrist, body fighting for survival even as his mind is kept asleep by the Staff. Alex is impressed by Chase's determination to survive, even as this final struggle takes him over the edge and he comes in his jeans, warm sticky mess over his hand and lap.

Chase collapses back against the mattress when Alex loosens his hand. Alex lets him gasp for breath as he cleans himself up with the torn scarf, tucking it into his back pocket and leaning over to untie the other scarf. He's not sure the Staff would take them back, and it's best not to leave any evidence of his presence here tonight.

Chase's nightmare seems to be over, and he's lying half-curled on his side, sleeping almost peacefully now. Alex picks up the Staff and murmurs, "end," to finish the sleep-spell before slipping out of the room and returning the Staff to Nico's room, laying it beside her so she can reabsorb it during the night.

slash, runaways

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