Jul 26, 2005 13:22
so my going to gym stint kind of died. after las vegas, i took a week break. is should get back now but now i'm too lazy. i have however started a new regimine. after i drop off my brother at his digital animation class at the city gym, which is right off 17th street, i park the car and go to the beach. run from tower 16-22 and back, then take a dip to wash off the sweat! o yea! i love hb! even though i plan on going to dc for a job, i definitely want to come back & settle in orange county right by the beach. i felt a little self-conscious running in my ghetto boxers past all the hot surfers and other more athletic svelte looking joggers. while i was in this "wow isnt life great" euphoria however, i noticed 2 really disgusting things @ the beach that partially popped my happy bubble.
1) red blobs washed up along the shore--presumably jellyfish
what gives! in all my life here at hb i have never seen so many washed up jelly blobs--grooooss how can i enjoy my time in the water when i have to be on constant alert for deadly jelly blobs!!
2) clams clams clams.
when i went in the water, i noticed a whole bunch of mini seaweedy weeds growing out from the sand. i curiously pulled one out and it was a little clam. i thought it was cute at first as the white meaty body squiggled out. but then i couldnt help being reminded of vaginas. i squat down and dug more out. ( the ocd part of me wanted to weed them all out) they immediately dived head first to get back into the sand. clams are fast wow! and then i looked out onto the sand again and saw houndreds of little weeds swaying under the water--& it hit me--i'm probably standing on a bunch of vagina clams--and i hate HATE multiples of tiny things close together. so freaked out, and ran out as fast as i could from the clam infested sea.
i just ate a slice of pizza, now i most def have to workout tonight. poo.