The new X-Files movie is coming out on July 25th. I really liked X-Files back in the day, even though it got stupid (and impossible to follow) at the end. Also, the first X-Files movie wasn't very good and I don't really have high expectations for this one, but I still want to see it....just 'cause.
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I also looked it up on imdb and Nicki Aycox is in it! As '2nd victim' so that doesn't sound like a huge part, but still. I got my spn connection in there. *clutching tightly to SAA card*
Here are some photos of my second favorite supernatural(ish) couple. Their chemistry is almost as good as the boys.
Can't say they don't have a sense of humor! Plus? She's strong!
I guess I'm easily amused. The guy on the right is Chris Carter, the creator of the show. Suddenly I'm flashing of an image with Jensen, Jared and Kripke. LOL! NOOOOOO!
And because I'm on a roll:
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Okay, I guess that's enough goofiness for now!