I don't know if I can form coherent thoughts about this episode. I was really worried that it somehow wouldn't deliver. I really wanted/needed one of those outstanding episodes and it was delivered.
Afterwards I was talking with
She: Who wrote this episode?
Me: Kripke. And Kim directed.
She: Well geez, what were we worried about?
I guess she's right.
I love that it opened with Carry on My Wayward Son. Love!
I have no words about the acting in this ep. Both boys knocked it way, way, way out of the park.
The boys singing! OMG!
Foreshadowing? demon!Dean saying "you're gonna die. This is what you're gonna become." Well, he died. Now is he going to become a demon? Probably.
I love that they 'went there'. I thought Dean would probably get saved at the last minute. I just thought that sending him to hell would write them into a corner. But they did it and it was awesome and brave. Now I want to see how they get him out and frankly I have every confidence that it will be awesome. (It might take a while though.)
There's been speculation that Sam isn't John's son. Is that speech from Bobby about 'family not ending with blood' a clue?
So Ruby's bye-bye. I assume that Katie Cassidy isn't coming back next year then? I haven't heard either way. Bummer! I've really come to like Ruby.
I noticed a funny! The police car that they are hiding with brush? It has a number 54 on the roof. "Car 54, where are you?"
We all know that Dean will be back in some form. I mean, it's not going to be the All Sam Show, right? So will Dean come back corporeal? Or not? I really hope he's got a 'real' body to come back to. But the question is how to keep the body from goin' moldy. Unless they get him back right away. That was the main reason why I thought he wouldn't go to hell. It raises too many problems.
What's the deal with Sam's powers? He didn't look like he did anything.
How did Ruby get out of the Devil's Trap?
In the end, it was Dean having the chick flick moment. "Take care of my baby. Remember what Dad taught you. Remember what I taught you." Waaaaah! Jensen and Jared? You guys are such amazing actors!
End of S1: Dean: Saaaaaam!
End of S2: Dean: Saaaaaam!
Sam's gonna get Dean out. I don't want to think about how Sam is going to do that and I don't want to think about how damaged they will both be. All I want to think about is that Sam will get Dean out.