Jul 23, 2004 19:24
I just have had a rude awakening recently that I have dated four different boys in the duration of three months... Thats more boys than I had ever anticipated dating and I suppose rebound relationships weren't quite what I was looking for. I may still casually date, but nothing serious or commited at the moment. I really need to take a break from all these boys I think.
In other news, I have many sources of inner turmoil at the moment, and I'm not happy with being contented by my current life as is. I don't want to "throw another person into the equation," when I am confused enough as it is. Who I have become is not who I was and I am conflicted because I still have some of the same beliefs but many of the ones I live by have changed drastically. An uptight, close minded, over- achieving, extremely annoying, serious relationship, forceful catholic has morphed into an easy going, more tolerable, laid back student, who's anti commitment, agnostic in terms of religious orientation and very open minded to so much more than ever before---- that pretty much says it all.
I am turning into who I want to be, but is who I want to be who I should be?