Title: Watermelon
Rating: G
Genre: Humour
Pairing: WonKyu (friendship)
Summary: Now... how did they obtain that -- insane -- dream of growing a watermelon plant?
Disclaimer: Sadly, I do not own any of the Super Junior members.
Warning: Kid! Siwon and kid! Kyuhyun. Story may contain illogical satements due to the boredom of two somewhat spontaneous (our own word for 'random') girls.
Author's note: My awesome friend,
awesomequeen helped me out with this one, cuz' I couldn't think of any good ideas.
nattieloveqyu, because well, this IS WonKyu.
This colour represents
fickleminded9's writing, while
THIS represents
(Although I guess it doesn't really matter.)
One was a hard-core gamer -- his main talent being to conquere the highest level in 'Starcraft'. The other was the pastor's son -- a man and a loyal servant of God.
They had the same goal in life, these two men.
They had a dream, a lifelong dream
-- to harvest, grow and care for, A WATERMELON PLANT!
It was a queer dream indeed. And it had all started one memorable kindergarten day....
"Hey!" Siwon said while nudging the shoulder of the younger boy beside him.
"Hmm?" Kyuhyun responded to his best friend.
"U-um, here -- This is for you..." Siwon said while holding out a piece of watermelon in his hands.
"Oh, thanks! What is it for?" Kyuhyun asked.
"It's for the time you saved me from the dogs... so here." Siwon explained while making his hand gestures that Kyuhyun hated so much.
"Mmmm... I LOOOOVE watermelon..." Kyuhyun said dreamily, while biting into that juicy piece of fruit.
"They come from my family's garden... Someday, when I grow older and have my own place, I will grow a watermelon plant and eat from it whenever I want!" Siwon said proudly.
"Hey! How about me?! I love watermelon more than you do!" the magnae whined.
"Fine. Let's make a deal. When we grow older, we will have to plant a watermelon plant at our very own homes... the person who succeeds in it first, wins!" Siwon proposed.
"Okay. Deal." Kyuhyun agreed, and they shook their tiny six-year-old hands on it.
And so, that is the story on how one Cho Kyuhyun and one Choi Siwon obtained that dream.
That dream of planting a watermelon plant in their gardens.
A/N: This ---> O.o was my expression after re-reading.
Like I always say: "Hope you enjoyed it anyway!".
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