Nov 07, 2006 08:37
i finally told kmart i was going to put my two weeks in. yay!!! so i didn't officially quit yet, but they said if i need to be out sooner, they'll count friday as my two weeks notice. the lady from commerce is supposed to call me back today. but..... kmart is thinking about giving me more money to stay there. so this is the second time i tried to quit and they offered me more money. but it's not worth it to stay there. unless they give me enough. i have no idea what "enough" is, i guess enough to compensate for the fact that i hate the holidays because i work there and that i now hate shopping. that's what retail does to you. i'll get more benefits at the bank anyway.
we're going to look at another apartment tomorrow. i hope it works out. the other one wasn't too nice. i need to find something really soon. i'd love for us to have our own place. but if we can't, well, we have other options.
advising for next semester is next week already, and then i can register the 27th. which i will. there's only one class i might not get and i refuse to stay there an extra semester just to take the one class i need. i'll be so pissed. freakin bio. i already took bio 2. jerks.
i'm going to my mom's tomorrow to clean, catch up on some homework, and hang out with nik. i'd rather sleep til 1 and then hang out with nik, but i need to clean and do homework while pepper isn't around. last time he ate my pencil and sat on my books. he's so damn needy.
girl time this weekend? i'm free every night i think.