Micro-fic meme!

Jan 28, 2009 22:32

Who wrote 'em: fickle_goddess aka only_fiction

What it is: Rachel/Tobias, Animorphs. [used for thought speech]

What that means: Ten fics. Ten genres. Ten words or less.

Why you should try writing your own: It is so much harder than it looks. Really.

Why I'm crying on the inside: Because this really IS harder than it looks!

Other stuff I want to say: Want to see me do this for any other pairing other than the one I chose? Leave me a comment with the pairing and I'll do my best. I could use the writing exercise. XD Having actually written the meme results, NO WAY. Much too difficult to do multiple times. So only first five comments get to make requests.


"I'm a Slayer?!"

[Vampires and Yeerks, beware.]

1st Time:

Rachel sets her alarm. Tobias wakes up to demorph.

Alternate Universe:

"Ms. President, is it true your boyfriend goes skydiving with you?"


"I wasn't kissing JAKE. It was Rachel!"

Morphing breeds confusion.


Rachel strokes Tobias' feathers but craves his skin instead.


"Rachel -- Rachel, I'm trapped!"

"Morph. ... MORPH!"

He tries. For her.


She draws one of his discarded feathers over her lips.


Rachel flies with the bird but she loves the boy.


"Was it really necessary to poop on Chapman?"

Rachel grins.


Flying's better with Rachel. She makes the sky even sweeter.

creative: fic meme, internet: meme, fandom: animorphs

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