U.S. Troops In Homeland “Crowd Control” Patrols From October 1st.
Soldiers get sent overseas to Iraq. Soldiers get dragged back to America for crowd control patrols.
I don't think this what people mean when they say that America should worry less about 'freedom' overseas and more about their own freedom.
There is absolutely no way that this can be allowed to happen. Write to your Representatives, your Senators, your Governors -- anyone! And spread this link around as much as you can. The more people that realize that we are actually being turned into a police state, the more outrage there'll be. And hopefully, the more likely it'll be that the Act which made this possible is repealed.
If you aren't sure what to say, you can send the following letter:
Dear [name here],
America is not a police state. America is a nation that was founded on freedom. To have military police roaming the streets of America to go against the very principles that make this country so great. We are not your enemy. We don't need to have our own soldiers deployed against us.
This cannot stand. We are using our right to dissent to tell you that this is not what we want for America. This is not what America deserves.
You were elected to serve us, not to control us. Repeal this Act.
[name here]
Dear [name here],
America is not a police state. America is a nation that was founded on freedom. To have military police roaming the streets of America to go against the very principles that make this country so great. We are not your enemy. We don't need to have our own soldiers deployed against us.
http://current.com/items/89335495_u_s_troops_in_homeland_crowd_control_patrols_f%20rom_october_1st">This cannot stand. We are using our right to dissent to tell you that this is not what we want for America. This is not what America deserves.
You were elected to serve us, not to control us. Repeal this Act.
[name here]
Copy/paste the letter from the textbox, and then find the e-mail address of your
Senators or
If you're overseas, or not American, the contact info for the White House is as follows:
comments@whitehouse.gov = general contact information
vice_president@whitehouse.gov = Dick Cheney
And if you feel like getting a personal reply or making it clear that there's a LOT of confusion about how something like this is even possible in the USA, try pasting the letter into
this form.
While you're at it,
ask Obama what he's planning to do about this.
Ask McCain. Would they be in favor of this initiative? Would
Palin? Would
Biden? E-mail all of them. They're the ones who'll inherit this Act, after all.
a_white_rain's the one who linked me to the article on this. She'll have a website up soon using the same letter drafted above that'll let you submit the letter via a form and easily personalize it. Check out
this link link to protest Congress. It uses the same letter that I wrote above!
In the meantime, PROTEST. E-mail, write, call, whatever. And tell everyone you can about this new way in which the President has seized more control than he should have.