Which fandom is...
The one who seduced you and fucked you over and broke your heart in a million pieces and laughed about it:
Animorphs. OH GOD THAT ENDING. It kills me every time. There is no way for me to get over it, even though I understand it. My aunt complained about buying me the books because they were stacked in the 4 to 5-year-old reading section, but I don't give a damn. Those books were, are, will always be awesome.
The old flame you don't see very often any more but whom you still really enjoy getting together with for a few drinks and maybe a pleasant nostalgic romp in the sheets:
Xena: Warrior Princess. It was the first canon I ever read fanfiction for, at the age of twelve. It had a kiss that I edited out because I was so awkward with anything sexual, but I loved everything else. Then I forgot that fanfiction existed until Kathy introed me to HP fanfic at fourteen.
The mysterious dark gothy one whom you used to sit up with talking until 3 a.m. at weird coffeehouses and with whom you were quite smitten until you realized he really was fucking crazy:
Pokemon. Hush. I used to watch it religiously, shipped Ash/Misty, and then got fed up of all the extra Pokemon. THAT was the kill point for me.
The one you spent a whole weekend in bed with and who drank up all your liquor, and whom you'd still really like to fuck again although you're relieved he doesn't actually live in town:
Naruto. Because I watched a ton of it all in one go, love some of the fics/art/doujinshi/music vids but let's face, I only ever write it for gifts or drabbles, and I'm way behind on even the anime canon and haven't started reading the manga.
The steady:
Yuugiou or DC. Hard to pick one. YGO is at least finished whereas comics continue but it's a lot easier to keep on a relationship with an ongoing media than a dead canon. So, probably DC!
The alluring stranger whom you've flirted with at parties but have never gotten really serious with:
Gravitation. I make the occasional bunch of icons, have written a few drabbles and have favorited some fics, but that's it. I'm never going to stop being in love with Ryuichi Sakuma and his deliciously split personality, though.
The one you hang out with and have vague fantasies about maybe having a thing with but ultimately you're just good buddies 'cause the friendship is there but the chemistry ain't:
House MD. I heart the show, read some fics, but that's it. Don't even have a damn icon for it, though I love at least two of the actors' prettiness. Never actually had a plot bunny for it either.
The one your friends keep introducing you to and who seems like a hell of a cool guy except it's never really gone anywhere:
Fruit Baskets. I've watched it with Dani and Neko, it's pretty cute, but there's no real push on my part to finish seeing it. But there's so much doujinshi and fanfic for it that I know it's loved, it's just not something that's hooking me personally. Can't say that I'm likely to start reading the manga either.
The one who's slept with all your friends, and you keep looking at him and thinking, "Him? how the hell did he land all these cool babes?":
Doctor Who. Really. A lot of my flist loves that show and I can't see the appeal. Woe.
The one your friend has fallen for like a ton of bricks and whom she keeps babbling to you about on the phone for hours, and you'd be happy for her except you just know it's going to end badly:
Heroes. Though I'm seeing less about it on my flist these days, thankfully.