ponderosa121's journal was deleted by LJ for having illegal content.
Why is her name bold? Because LJ has apparently suddenly decided that bolding names instead of striking them through is less noticeable and will kill the rallying cry of "Strikethrough '07". Yeah fucking right.
elaboration has also been deleted, and she had a completely flocked journal.
I have no idea what
elaboration had on her journal but
ponderosa121 was a fantastic Gundam Wing fanartist and did a gorgeous bit of artwork for Trowa/Une. I know she was also in the FMA fandom and HP fandom, both of which slide towards the underage thing, but these are fictional characters being drawn or written about. FICTION.
LJ must have lost its bloody mind if it thinks that this new bolding tactic is so subtle that fandom will be collectively blind to it.
If you want more links on what's going here, try
here, and
complain to LJ here.
fandom_counts. Don't forget to join it with all the writing, graphics and RP journals you have.